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Bioware you've outdone yourself!!


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I've been playing off and on since the SWTOR launch. I decided to give it another shot a couple weeks ago and I am really impressed with what I've found. I absolutely love GSF. It's smooth and very original for an MMO. Its awesome. Arena setup is sweet too. Just unsubbed from WoW to focus on SWTOR again. Keep up the good work!
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I think it's fun too. It's like popcorn PvP. Matches are generally quick to get into and over quickly as well. Progression is almost totally divorced from the ground game, the only affect the ground game has on space combat is whether you're Republic or Imperial, and which companions you can unlock automatically to provide you support. And going the other way, you get XP and cash and achievements but nothing else. So it's perfect for the casual person who wants a refreshing change from the regular game, without the monotony of the rail-shooter PvE space combat (which can be fun but which ultimately boils down to memorizing enemy flight patterns and when to shoot what).
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