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Rooting out satellite humpers


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Lately I've been having an issue with the players who find a tight little defensive spot right on their satellite and just sit there. They're defended from most sides by the satellite and have their guns out ready to blast anything that approaches them head on.

It's hard to get an approach on them without them being able to get their guns and missile locks on you first, and with the turrets even more of an issue. This does not seem like space-fighting when this is becoming increasingly popular.

How are people dealing with this?

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Gunship normally works for me or if im feeling in a bad mood i charge in there locking on to them and firing blasters at same time chances are you normally take them before they take you, but its part of any space combat, and is a good defence strategy.


TBH they cant stop people doing it

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Best method depends on whether or not you are the only one stopping him from capping, or otherwise need to stay close to the sat.


If you can move away, then it's just a matter of flying straight down then turning around at minimum speed and nailing him. If you are proton torpedos, use 'em. Odds are you'll be out of range as you launch on him, and he better move out of the way then. :)


If you have to stay close, then once you pinpoint him you need to come around the satellite and come to a full stop as you "crest" his cover. He will probably not be expecting it and will be a sitting duck. Clusters help a lot there as well. :)

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TBH they cant stop people doing it


Well, this part I disagree with at least. They can add a slow power drain to a ship that isn't in motion, or something like that. I mean this is supposed to be epic space combat, ships sitting perfectly still really don't fit that mold.

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I call them Ticks. The easy way is to just approach from the top or bottom, they'll die quick. That also works for anyone flying slow and low on a satalite up top or under the fins.


If youre good you can boost right in next to them kill your engines, hit your power to blasters, pop your abilities and nuke them before they know anyones next to them, but it takes practice.

Edited by Mallorik
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The capture mechanic needs to be changed. Right now it incentivizes not fighting, when it should instead encourage active dogfighting.


Or at the very least, make capping enemies utterly vulnerable--instead of making capping enemies the most protected ships in the map.

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Lately I've been having an issue with the players who find a tight little defensive spot right on their satellite and just sit there. They're defended from most sides by the satellite and have their guns out ready to blast anything that approaches them head on.

It's hard to get an approach on them without them being able to get their guns and missile locks on you first, and with the turrets even more of an issue. This does not seem like space-fighting when this is becoming increasingly popular.

How are people dealing with this?


I seen a post similar to this before! Ok here is the deal get a couple team mates to fly with you and have one fly around while 2 of you get down then come up under the satelite then the guy guarding will pay for his dumb hiding spot.

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Step 1: Play a gunship.

Step 2: Ask a scout/strike fighter to guard you.

Step 3: Blast his *** off the sky.


Heck I've even killed them with scouts before. Static targets defending satelites are the easiest target for me.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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Hop in a gunship and blast them from far away.


That's what I often do myself.


Unfortunately, no-one gives me cover. I must pray to remain there undisturbed ...


Step 2: Ask a scout/strike fighter to guard you.


How do I do that, just practically ?


And no, I'm not using anything like Skype, TS or so ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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There is an easy way that will infuriate them.

It requires a gunship with upgraded ion railgun (so it becomes aoe)


Go above the satellite, get just into range of one of the turrets and hit it with the Ion railgun, the aoe will hit anyone hiding around the satellite and he will have no choice but to come find you, as soon as he shows his face switch to slug and finish him off, simple.

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Seems like a valid tactic. Deal with it. As with anything it works until someone finds a way around it.


Everyone seems to just want something done about anything they don't like these days. Nerf this, nerf that, stop this, blah blah.

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How do I do that, just practically ?


And no, I'm not using anything like Skype, TS or so ...


You know there is an ingame text chat? I've seen you using it on fleet, so I guess you do. Just use it during fights (obviously it is not /1 but /ops, but it is that by default once you enter a op-group). Someone might read it and perhaps react. At least I do.

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