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Imperial Pilots, Please Read


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Ok guys, the pubs may be rolling premades but that's no excuse for how bad many of you are at playing domination.


I'm not saying there are no good imperial pilots, i'm saying that even among those who can fly, few actually seem to know how to win at GSF.


Below are 5 pointers to hopefully help us not lose quite so much.


1) Domination is about node control, not kills. If you get 0 kills, 0 assists, but can succesfully hold your node the entire game, you are doing it right. If you're off in hell knows where chasing kills, you're doing it wrong.


2) Gunships need to be hunted down. (but this is secondary to keeping the node). So long as there are still turrets up, the scouts main job is to hunt and kill gunships. Don't let those guys set up and start sniping, they will kill turrets and node defenders.


3) The strike fighters job is to node guard/attack. To do this you have to be within 2 km of the node. If enemies are orbiting the node, you have to as well! Even if that means you have to give up kills or let someone get on your tail. Power up your shields, and start orbiting.


4) Learn to modulate your power. You should never have to power weapons as a scout, learn to aim and time your bursts. You should always power on shields when orbiting a satellite, the extra shield arc and regen rate will save your life. You should always power your engines when dashing from node to node or when dog fighting.


5) Learn to let go of enemies. When fighting on the node and the orbiting enemy starts to bugger out, let him bugger out. He'll get out of range and you'll cap the node. The whole point of the node fight is to either kill or scare off the enemies orbiting it. Same goes for gunships, if they start booking it away from the node, let them go.

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It would be nice but in the meanwhile I would really like to not lose quite so hard quite so often.


Here is an example from last night: We had 6 ships at node B, 5 strikers and me in my blackbolt. Enemy brought 5 ships, 4 strikers and a gunship. Turrets go out almost instantly and I start orbiting the node. I eventually shoot off to take out the gunship trying to snipe at me, and we immediately lose the node even though none of us had been shot down yet. Turns out that among the 6 of us, I was the only one playing the objective. I guess you could say that was my mistake but come on! This isn't a deathmatch game, getting kills doesn't help you win unless they are tactically relevant (killing orbiters/gunships).

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I play mostly on Republic side, but have been doing more imperial side lately around midnight to 1:00 or 2:00 AM. Imps are definitely getting better there as I think we won 5 of the 8 battles I was in. The other two were much more competitive than last week when it just seemed complete like Imps got their butts handed to them each time.


Tonight I saw a lot more teamwork and people were not rushing into situations where they stood no chance. Scouts were chasing Gunships. More objectives captured and held. Matches are getting more intense, no matter which side I play.

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I'm pretty sure some people were, for example I would show up at node C in my damping maxed scout and immediately engage the turrets. The lone defender of the node takes off after me and sits on my tail, but 30 seconds later 3 other pubs show up and blow me out of the sky. He couldn't have called, I hadn't killed a turret yet so there shouldn't have been an indicator that I was there. He had to have voice chat, which means that the other 3 were his premade buddies.


I see this sort of thing often enough to recognize the guild based premades even if we don't have guild names over our ships.

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some random thoughts

gsf is garbage

4v4s suck sweaty balls

why did i sub again? i dont know



Every time I think I've had enough

I start heading for the door

There's a very strange vibration

That passes me right through the core

It says, "Turn around, you fool"

You know you'll love it more and morrrre


Tell me whyyyyy, is it soooooo

Don't wanna let you goooooo


I never can say goodbye

Oo oo, baby

I never can say goodbye

No no no

No no no, oooooo

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Every time I think I've had enough

I start heading for the door

There's a very strange vibration

That passes me right through the core

It says, "Turn around, you fool"

You know you'll love it more and morrrre


Tell me whyyyyy, is it soooooo

Don't wanna let you goooooo


I never can say goodbye

Oo oo, baby

I never can say goodbye

No no no

No no no, oooooo




Seriously though, don't like, don't pay, don't play, and don't *****, cas' nobody cares if your upset.

Edited by wishihadaname
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