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Need some tips for avoiding cluster missiles


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This has become a problem for me lately. It seems like just about everyone I go up against is carrying these and with barely a second of lock on time the onslaught is relentless. It just seems like nothing I do can get me out of the firing arc of these. I dive, climb, boost, roll, go behind objects and it seems like I just hear a constant lock on and fire warning throughout the entire battle. Sure they're weak but when you're just being hammered with them constantly it adds up. I've got my one missile evade on the 20 second or whatever cooldown and the rate people fire these that just isn't enough. I'm flying a pike.


Any advice on dealing with these?

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If you're in a Pike you should be staying out of dogfighting as much as possible, you're in a multirole starfighter not a space superiority fighter (that's the Star Guard). Use your ability to equip long range missiles to engage your cluster missile using enemies beyond their effective range and only once they're damaged close for a quick kill with blasters.
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I do stay out of dogfighting range as much as possible, and I'm using protons/concussions but it's also one of the slower ships. Sure I can boost but scouts can keep up me no problem and one variant carries clusters. Starguard can keep up too, as can another pike.


I use my missiles all the time but I still have to keep things generally within 7km, if I try to boost away I'm not scout so anyone following me has free shots up my backside.

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Don't worry about them, they don't really hurt that bad, just use your evasive maneuver or ability if its not up. if neither of those are up just boost away. Also try conserving ammo and switching to shield priority, then they will just dent your shields.


The only reason I even use clusters is to harass people and get them to do something stupid, when I kill someone its with my guns.

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I was wondering what was always being spammed against my HUD. I use concussion missiles and those take a fair amount of time to lock on. I was wondering how they were always getting a lock on me quickly and yet doing so little damage. Irritating if nothing else.
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If you're in a Pike you should be staying out of dogfighting as much as possible, you're in a multirole starfighter not a space superiority fighter (that's the Star Guard). Use your ability to equip long range missiles to engage your cluster missile using enemies beyond their effective range and only once they're damaged close for a quick kill with blasters.


Umm... The difference between Star Guard and Pike is... Not a lot, tbh... One carries two lasers, the other two missles (and different start loadouts ofc).

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If you're in a Pike you should be staying out of dogfighting as much as possible, you're in a multirole starfighter not a space superiority fighter (that's the Star Guard). Use your ability to equip long range missiles to engage your cluster missile using enemies beyond their effective range and only once they're damaged close for a quick kill with blasters.


I dogfight **** out of imps in my Pike. Best time ever.


Upgrade evasive move for quick cooldown and try to be near obstacle or satellite anytime possible for breaking los.

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Don't worry about them, they don't really hurt that bad, just use your evasive maneuver or ability if its not up. if neither of those are up just boost away. Also try conserving ammo and switching to shield priority, then they will just dent your shields.


The only reason I even use clusters is to harass people and get them to do something stupid, when I kill someone its with my guns.


The problem is I'm being spammed with them. 2.4s cooldown and 1 second lockon time If there's even two fighters out there with them I just hear constant missile fired warnings. Sure they're weak but when they're being dropped on you ever other second it adds up fast. That's the problem I'm having and why I need a solution, almost the moment I come out of my barrel roll the next one is being fired.

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Umm... The difference between Star Guard and Pike is... Not a lot, tbh... One carries two lasers, the other two missles (and different start loadouts ofc).


Granted but the loadouts do influence (to some extent) their intended roles. It's not that the Pike can't dogfight, but of the two it isn't designed as the space superiority variant. Also use the Pike's two secondaries to your advantage OP, you could even try using cluster missiles yourself as one of your two secondaries.


But anyway what I've honestly found as the most effective way to avoid cluster missiles is to only fly where there are several allies. With so many enemy targets to choose from it's unlikely that you'll get a majority of enemy fighters on your tail spamming cluster missiles. If for some reason the DO single you out if you can just stay alive normally your allies will eventually start shooting them down to take some pressure off you.

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Umm... The difference between Star Guard and Pike is... Not a lot, tbh... One carries two lasers, the other two missles (and different start loadouts ofc).


Indeed, and I'd call Strikes space superiority fighters, to be honest. Scouts are more like interceptors, especailly if we rely on Star Wars designation (where the X-Wing was classified as a Space Superiority fighter, and the A-Wing was the rebel interceptor).


There's more to space superiority or air superiority than maneuverability or speed. Firepower, range, and the likes do factor in.


Granted, this is all semantic, but the fact is that Strikes can take on anything, so long as they are handled properly (of course, that goes for every other role as well).

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Granted but the loadouts do influence (to some extent) their intended roles. It's not that the Pike can't dogfight, but of the two it isn't designed as the space superiority variant. Also use the Pike's two secondaries to your advantage OP, you could even try using cluster missiles yourself as one of your two secondaries.


But why is the Starguard space superiority, and the Pike not?


Their capabilities are nearly identical, except one mounts two secondaries while the other has two primary weapons. Each have their own advantage, being able to operate in a wider set of circumstances than other roles... but why would 2 primaries make the Starguard better suited for space superiority than 2 secondaries?


Sure, the Pike can mount Proton Torpedoes as well weapons better suited for dogfighting, but are still useful against enemy fighters. Similarly, the Starguard can mount heavy lasers, which can also be great for the "attack" role and against hardened targets (it has a nice armour bypass upgrade, and excellent range).


So in the end, both are balanced. And in any case, I've certainly been doing well with my Pike against all roles.


Thank you.

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