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Armor Mod Removal


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Wait, I may be mistaken but isn't it like, armoring from boots can go to any other boots shell in the game, head slot armoring goes to any head slot shell and so on? (I mean the high end ones, not those typical that can go everywhere) if so than there is a reason for that, for example some pieces of gear are worth more comms than others while having the same grade of armoring, it's an anti exploit mechanics.


On the other hand if it's like you suggest that the specific armoring can only fit in the shell it came with than I am all for it.

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Yes, it just has to be the same armor slot (head or chest or hands or etc) when trying to transfer an Armoring from one piece of equipment to another. After you extract the Armoring, it says right on the tooltip of the Armoring, which slot it goes in.


One annoying thing is that Offhand Pistols and Offhand Shotguns have separate Barrel types. I haven't checked for sure, but I think the Armorings for Shield and Generator might be considered the same slot, because on the Armoring from a Shield it just reads "Offhand (General)".

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