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The Swtor Community need to start helping eachother!


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Ok guys Where to start.


Well, i was here at the start, where it all began - Beta.This game was my world, unfortunately (as alot of players found out) the game came to a stop, Content was way to slow and the content that was their got boring quikly, Bugs where all over the place, fixes to bug's where said to have been done when they really was'nt. Let's all be honest here the launch went great but the game didnt last long for the player base they had.


ok now thats out the way ill tell you what i have found. From coming back after i don't know, a year gap of this game, SO MUCH HAS CHANGED, they improved on so much and i really like how they have done the cartel market, content seems to have been pouring out at awesome pace and the game is just brilliant to play, id go as far to say as this easily rival's other big names out their.


Now let's talk about the only problem i have now, the Community is poor. I've been playing mmo's for over 10 years and this BY FAR is the only game i've ever struggled so badly with trying to find things. Lets take wow as example u only have to type in Wow in goggle to find Millions! of things all about Wow, Classes,instance tacs,raid tacs,pvp spec,Pve specs,rare items Ect Ect.


Now i wanna talk about what I've been finding is really ruining things for me in this game. Ok Like lots of people i find in game I've come back from a long break, theirs hundreds of changes made (90% for the better) now i want to know what has changed and whats better now and how i should gear up now first option is find a guild. i join the guild and they are very helpful...to a point, then they dont know what im asking because they cant find things online(Without spending lots of time searching) or without finding that one awsum guy who directs you to a website that is helpful for that one thing.


Right, ive reached top lvl, i've come from games where i want to experience the end game, so i think, well this guild have really been helpful but it isn't a raiding guild its a casual lvl'ing and social guild. So i go to the forums to try find a guild, after searching for a good 2 hours i find one that im comfortable with and join them. Now though i have the problem that im behind all the other raiders so i need to gear up quick and start learning my class alot better.


which brings me to a very critical point of this whole post. i search for a good Sith sorceror guide now i struggle to Find Any guide that isnt month's out of date now i have put all sorts of things in the google search engine to try and find a good and up to date guide and the best i could find was noxxic, now i know noxxic for Wow was a conpletely terrible site but im following what they say cos their is no other bloomin choice.It really isnt just this tho honestly' i mean it feels to me like all the good raiders dont wanna give out their secrets, or they all feel bigger then to help out others, and its not just sorceror i tried others and its just piss poor, u only have to type in wow spec or gw2 spec and u just have millions of different posts.


I hate comparing game to one another but on this subject it does need to be compared i believe, one of the main factors i loved wow was that u had such a socially good time on it and u could just type wow with anything in the google search engine and you would find what you wanted.


The meaning of this post was that i really cant find anyone addressing this on the forum's i think their needs to be people actually thinking *you know what, he's right* and maybe we CAN get these top players showing their specs in full and their guides and more Guide's on op tactics and more people showing you the best ways of gearing up, i know people will say but yeah here's a link to this site and here's a link to that site its easy to find things, well if anything people can use this as a good linking post for Newcomer's or people returning wanting to experience this new and brilliantly improved game.


I know this is overly winded post and i know my grammar and spelling is completely awful but i hope people agree with it and if you don't well that's fine take your anger and rage out by linking some helpful websites as i said before i really think the community needs to improve


Thanks for your time!

Edited by Draggster
miss spelt
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Noxxic is probably about the best you'll find. The major search difference between this game and WoW is that WoW came out in 2004, it has had 9 years of community input onto sites. And let's be frank, WoW is still the most highly played game.


I would avoid using Gen Chat for asking anything. If you are looking for X type of guild, GenChat on the fleet is good for that as someone is always barking.


Gearing up in this game is mind numbingly easy. Do the content, win the roll, get new gear. Do higher gearlevel content, rinse-repeat.


Most progression guilds have multiple raiding level groups. It's just the nature of the beast. The trick is, finding a guild that has a group in your gear range that needs your roll.

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Your best bet to find information is to ask your guildies and friends, or to find players that are clearly doing it right and ask them what they do.


Noxxic is a terrible site. I know a lot of people for some reason consider their site 'good' for whatever reason, maybe just because it consolidates some information, but the number of errors on the site means that you will probably only get even more confused. Example is the dps assassin guide, which prioritizes accuracy above all other stats. There was an image floating around for a bit with the complete list of insanity that is Noxxic, but I have no idea where it is now.

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i search for a good Sith sorceror guide now i struggle to Find Any guide that isnt month's out of date now i have put all sorts of things in the google search engine to try and find a good and up to date guide and the best i could find was noxxic, now i know noxxic for Wow was a conpletely terrible site but im following what they say cos their is no other bloomin choice.


One of my two raiding "mains" is a Sith Sorc, so my stupid question: when you were searching, did you only key off 'Sith Sorceror'?


Because I'm pretty sure there is both a DPS and Heal Guide out there, except the DPS Guide I know of here in the forums (which may have originally been posted months ago but is being kept up to date) was written and posted to the Sage forum.


Since Sorcerors and Sages are essentially identical, a Guide for one can be used for the other.


The guides exist, and they're not on Noxxic.

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I drive for a living so I listen to all kinds of podcast including swtor pod cast I would try the ootinicast web site and ask around on their forums they talk about raiding a lot on there and they will put up links to different game issues and guides. Edited by Jiminison
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