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Cartel Market Item Bind Delay Question


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So when you buy items from the Cartel Market, they are bound to you for lets say about two days. It's like a day and a half, or something, but whatever.


What is the purpose of this? I really don't get it. Is it meant to stabilize the market? I mean in STO for instance, I can buy keys and sell them immediately. What is the deal with the enforced delayed gratification?


Or...and I just thought of this...is it so that when new stuff comes out, people who want to buy it with credits off the GTN have to wait. I.e. to get the new cool hotness right away, you have to use Cartel Coins?

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So when you buy items from the Cartel Market, they are bound to you for lets say about two days. It's like a day and a half, or something, but whatever.


What is the purpose of this? I really don't get it. Is it meant to stabilize the market? I mean in STO for instance, I can buy keys and sell them immediately. What is the deal with the enforced delayed gratification?


Or...and I just thought of this...is it so that when new stuff comes out, people who want to buy it with credits off the GTN have to wait. I.e. to get the new cool hotness right away, you have to use Cartel Coins?


It's probably a combination of reasons. In my opinion, it's a protection method so that if there are any unintended purchases, customer service has time to delete them from your inventory and give your cartel coins back. But it could very well be an inflationary stop gap to make sure that items don't glut the GTN.

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As the previous poster said, there are probably a number of small reasons which combine to make it a good idea:


  • People who pay with real cash get the first chance to actually show off the new goods.
  • It puts a delay into the CM->GTN->player path, encouraging impatient people to buy packs rather than wait
  • It keeps the GTN a little more stable in the first few days of a pack, as people cannot buy packs and immediately undercut existing GTN listings.
  • It gives customer service a window to perform very easy fixes (ie: You can use the cooldown as proof that someone is the original owner of that item).
  • It slows the spread of items, giving developers time to fix issues with any new items.
  • Slows down the acquisition of new items, effectively drawing out play time for completionist types who are seeking to fill collections.
  • (more that I haven't though of yet)


The exact amount of time to "soft-bind" the items is likely some sort of compromise between the situations.

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Other than the well thought out reasons already listed, I always assumed it had something to do with gold (ok, credit) sellers and credit card thieves. The window prevents credit sellers from converting cash to credits for maximum return on investment and limits individuals from reversing credit card charges after the items have been sold off of the GTN.
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The window prevents credit sellers from converting cash to credits for maximum return on investment and limits individuals from reversing credit card charges after the items have been sold off of the GTN.
That's probably the biggest reason for the longer delay for non-subscribers.
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