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Did BW nerf combat Sent procs?


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Ever since 2.5 dropped, I'm only getting that first HoJ which triggers the first of the double Precision Slash windows in my opener about 30-40% of the time. Sometimes OA isn't proc'ing in the right places either and I even had one instance where I did get my first double PS window only to not have enough focus for the second Blade Rush. :confused:


Has this been happening to anyone else? I'm feeling severely glitched...

Edited by Lord_Garrex
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I'm sorry but if that's true then my opinion of the viability of our class and of combat spec in particular just went down the toilet. It's not actually a burst opener with insane burst damage then, nor is it a high burst spec or a spec that requires a lot of skill to play -- just luck, nothing more. The reason I'm not convinced is because prior to 2.5 dropping, I was getting that first double PS window about 70% of the time, which is not reliable but at least often enough to support KBN's suggestions as something more than an ideal, best case scenario which only happens when all the stars are properly aligned. If you're saying that it's all RNG then this isn't a skill class, just an unreliable one contingent upon pure blind luck.


I'm very miffed right now because I've been screwed enough by RNG in this game and if I'm suddenly having to compete with luck just to try and pull the numbers I was doing previously (3200-3300 with only about 50% of my gear being 78s and no Dread Forged pieces) then I'd like some recommendations for a class that actually does require skill to play where I can count on my abilities rather than random chance. Hopefully I see a better answer when I come back here because bad luck just isn't going to cut it.

Edited by Lord_Garrex
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I had a night earlier this week where I could have sworn the proc rate was nerfed. I was waiting to PS windows before I saw opportune strike even once. Then last night I was seeing OS and HoJ after the first Blade rush. Needless to say I was much more effective the second evening.
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