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accuracy, evasion, weapon tracking accuracy


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I don't understand how exactly the hit mechanism works. Am i aiming with the mouse cursor on the lead indicator, or is there same hit calculation based on the evasion-accuracy stat. If there is, how my aiming affect it?


What is the weapon tracking accuracy? It is different for every cannon. Between 0.8 and 2 % per degree. What does it mean? The cannon accuracy decreases if the targeting reticule is not in the center? If it decreases then the turning dogfights are ruined, because the ship pitch is controlled with the mouse off center position, that's why you cannot turn the ship and fire to the center int the same time.

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Yeah you got it right, There is accuracy penalty applied not only for range distance but also for how far from the center your target is. There is a trick to get the upper hand against the average player. Your pitch turning rate is 50% higher than yaw turning rate. Roll your ship until you do a pitch turn, bringing them up quickly in the center and then unload before having to adjust again. Much better results than just following them, taking pot shots on your firing angle edge. Edited by Dragoon-
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I don't understand how exactly the hit mechanism works. Am i aiming with the mouse cursor on the lead indicator, or is there same hit calculation based on the evasion-accuracy stat. If there is, how my aiming affect it?


What is the weapon tracking accuracy? It is different for every cannon. Between 0.8 and 2 % per degree. What does it mean? The cannon accuracy decreases if the targeting reticule is not in the center? If it decreases then the turning dogfights are ruined, because the ship pitch is controlled with the mouse off center position, that's why you cannot turn the ship and fire to the center int the same time.


You aim your blasters by mousing over the lead indicator. The larger circle in your HUD is your blaster firing arc (how far your blasters can move) the further your reticle is from the center of your firing arc, the less accurate they are. Yes, cannons have differing accuracies, ranges, and firing arcs depending on the types. Missiles, are the smaller circle on your HUD and for them, you need to have the target ship in your arc, not the lead indicator. So for max blaster accuracy, you want to try to have the enemy ship lead indicator as close to the middle as possible.

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Than in a turning fight i cannot put the targeting reticule to the center and turn the ship the same time :mad:

They should separate the ship controls from the targeting controls, or give an option to lock the crosshair in the center.

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Yes and when the target is at the center of my screen, i have to center the crosshair in order to aim and gain the smallest accuracy penalty. My ship will end turning while the enemy not. In that way i cannot maintain a continuous pursuit.


I have a option to lock the crosshair to the center like in the normal fps, then i can fire at the center and turn in the same time.

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The weapon tracking accuracy penalty is there so that when you are turning, you have an accuracy penalty. Only if you can get your ship to stop turning for a second does it go away.


Similar to an FPS where if you are turning or moving, your reticle gets bigger and you have an accuracy penalty.

Edited by Bstr
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Yeah you got it right, There is accuracy penalty applied not only for range distance but also for how far from the center your target is. There is a trick to get the upper hand against the average player. Your pitch turning rate is 50% higher than yaw turning rate. Roll your ship until you do a pitch turn, bringing them up quickly in the center and then unload before having to adjust again. Much better results than just following them, taking pot shots on your firing angle edge.


Do you mean, roll left/right and then pull "up"? The kind of thing that one does somewhat naturally with a joystick, but is hard as heck to figure out with a keyboard?


Or something else that I'm not understanding? I understand "yaw" to be rotating the ship on it's horizontal axis, so I think I understand you correctly, but man I'm having a heck of a time flying this ship like my brain wants to with these controls...

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Do you mean, roll left/right and then pull "up"? The kind of thing that one does somewhat naturally with a joystick, but is hard as heck to figure out with a keyboard?


Or something else that I'm not understanding? I understand "yaw" to be rotating the ship on it's horizontal axis, so I think I understand you correctly, but man I'm having a heck of a time flying this ship like my brain wants to with these controls...


For me it's the excat same thing as playing a FPS game like Team Fortress 2 where you strafe cycle around your target. Same keys and almost same mouse movement. W&D to adjust but instead to move the mouse left&right it's up&down, oh, and jumping is replaced with afterburners which use coincidentally the same key. Space. It's really arcade.

Edited by Dragoon-
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