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Automatic Lose Are you serious ??????


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Yeah this sucks, I hope they fix this. Is this happening to everyone in the match I assume? What server is this?


I assume its on all servers. Whenever the space warzone is aborted due to lack of players, you get a defeat message and it adds 1 to your games played. Also gives 2150 credits(at level 55).

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I fail to see the issue. This has been happening with warzones for ages. It's not a fun thing to happen but it's how the system works.


A system only works if it produces desired results, otherwise it is not a very good system.

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we discussed the problem at the german Forum.


the best idea was to change the abort system to the same like Ground PVP.


Just start the Abortion Counter after Game start (cause many ppl just didnt join at the first 30 seconds...)

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That sucks brah, you were so close to the achievement for 150 consecutive wins too.


Thanks, but i dont care anymore xD it was just a bit angry but now i had 5 or 6 aborted games.


so who cares =)


The bigger problem is the count of aborted Games. If you are staying at for example at a big loading planet and your PC isnt that powerfull, you have to wait 2 loadscreens + Counter for abort the game.

Edited by Rambovi
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even with the screenshot i find it hard to believe you won 141 without 1 loss but then again i only got like 179 games played so far so i suppose it's possible just hard to believe but back to the system i actually don't mind kinda like it actually i makes it so i have to play 1 less match for my 1000 played acheivement
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