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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Problem with Crew acheivment rewards. ><


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Currently you only get the 50 Fleet requisitions on the toon that completes the achievement for having all the companions. So you get the 50 reqs on your 4th imp/pub toon you log in as, and the 250 reqs on your 8th character instead of your main. You know, the character you would want the reqs on?


BW, please have a look at this issue. I think the best way to rectify this would be to award the fleet reqs to ALL your characters when you complete the achievement. I doubt any of us had the foresight to log our mains in 8th after the patch.... :mad:

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Yea this reward should have legacy wide. I did not know about this ahead of time and of course logged in on my main, because that's the character I do GSF on. So I missed out on this reward for the only character I do GSF on.


Yea its not a huge deal, its not a huge amount of points, but it should have been legacy wide. Or it should have been a BoL token so we could pick which character to give the reward to.

Edited by Icebergy
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