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Galactic Starfighter, Why you no interact with Ground game & legacy?!?!


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I am having a nice time with the galactic starfighter at the moment.

I just have a few qualms though.


I do not understand why both my legacy/legacy lvl & my multiple lvl 55's have no affect on my starships

((other than having a companion accessible / getting titles/achievements for my character it has no accomplishments after that.))


Right now all my companions have max affection and all quests done. So i really enjoy the feeling of my accomplishment with having max Presence on 8 chars. Especially for when i am leveling a new character, it makes it more fun. Now that i have Max Reputation with a few different places i have access to more fun gear to wear & dyes to make with my artifice. If i could see something like that how you accomplished this with all this ingame here that now supports your starship in some way and vica versa. That would be wonderful



I am not a developer and i am not sure how to intertwine the 3,(GS / Legacy / Ground game) without breaking 1 or the other, But i really wish they would. Here are a few ideas i was thinking of some not so good hopefully others will contribute.



1) Oh you have Legacy lvl such and such? Oh you are also a subscriber?

Here is your ""Need for Speed"" style options that we are giving you so that you may customize every little bit of your ship.


2) Have a reputation vendor like makeb/oricon ect... where you can get new recipes for dye's/legacy armor/mount


3) future tie ins with Cybertech for customizable appearances & Artifice/Biochem Dyes for ships

Augments from Armormech/Synth/Armstech giving maybe just 1% differences so it isn't going to break the game in a team battle...... But it may give you the edge you need in a 1v1 dogfight.


I just would like to see more intertwined mechanics utilizing both ground and air games. To support the use of your main character/Legacy to accomplish it.


I am sure others have better more exciting ideas and i wish you would share. I am just wanting to extend my story / legacy of my character(s). And have the game as a whole continue the progression of my character(s).

Edited by Strixs
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What is 'need for speed' style stuff? Could you elaborate? I came in to this thread ready to disagree, but I actually think it would be a good idea to have some appearance only type stuff available from the ground game, especially if it were tied in to crafting like you suggest.
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What is 'need for speed' style stuff? Could you elaborate? I came in to this thread ready to disagree, but I actually think it would be a good idea to have some appearance only type stuff available from the ground game, especially if it were tied in to crafting like you suggest.



That's nice that you tend to negatively judge a book before you read it LOL.



Basically in a lot of "decent" Racing games like need for speed. The more you progress with your story / car the more loadout options / color options / mufflers / side panels / headlights / ect you will eventually have access to.

Edited by Strixs
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Galactic Starfighter is a new way to play. It is a new thing to do and doesn't really go with the ground stuff. Think of it as now there is something to do at 55. Just because you are 55 doesn't mean you should automatically get granted all ships because your ground character is 55.


Now there is a WHOLE new thing to do within the game. Don't treat it like the ground game. It is the space game and is kind of a separate thing but still within the game. No more "there's nothing to do at 55". Well did you do the space game yet? "Not really". Bingo. There is lots to do in just what we have starting out.


It's a game within a game.

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Oh and also. This literally JUST came out. So before you go BioWare bashing or anything too harshly critiquing, just remember this expansion just happened and I'm sure things like that will come in time. You just have to be patient.


I like some of the ideas though :)

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I think they do have plans going forward to tie it into the ground game. In the early access dev blog on the main page they say:


"Add to that an incredible new dynamic Flashpoint that is level and role neutral called Kuat Driveyards which ties our ground game story directly into the space PvP action with a new Starfighter area on the fleet and you begin to see that full scope of what we’re delivering."


Unless I'm reading thing ways wrong it sounds like this really is just the beginning and they figured it was better to give us something to play even if limited while they develop everything else.

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Cosmetics, titles offcourse and both ways but god forbid them to introduce any cross game bonuses that would require me to grind one part of the game to get adventage in the other. Some bonus from raiding, some from ground pvp, some from legacy levels and having multiple toons, you see where its going.
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i think it would be awesome if each class had theyre own specific ship, just looks with the regular stats that already are, maybe heavy hitters get a unique bomber or something like that and the lighter classes get a unique scout ship.


we already have ships we use, so why not be able to have some more fun with them in GSF too.


And yea fleet commendations should atleast be legacy wide and i ofc wouldnt mind it if all my characters on one side had access to all ships (maybe not the class specific ones i suggested though ;-)


and yea i can agree that a minor bonus from crew skills would be cool, but no major impact maybe just some fluff items so you wouldnt feel you HAD TO craft to max lvl.

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