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New Maps and Game Types


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I love this expac !


And I'm already looking forward to new maps & game types.


Here's some ideas I would like to see.


Fleet Action

Two opposing fleets of capital ships engage. Victory is achieved when all the turrets of the opposing fleet are destroyed. Prototype ECM ships are scrambling targeting computers on both fleets, and it is up to snub fighters to decide the outcome of the battle. Spawn points are in hanger bays aboard the surviving capital ships.


Gravity Kills

An interdictor ship is propelling asteroids toward an orbital defense platform (at a slow speed). These are the two spawn points, and the match is played in two rounds. The asteroids can be destroyed by the defending team. Victory is achieved by smashing the orbital station quicker than the other team. In a draw, the top medal earning team wins.


Blockade Run

Escort a slow moving armored landing craft from your team's capital fleet to the threshold of a planet's atmosphere while defending it from the enemy team and orbital planetary defenses. (Think of it as a fight to reinforce a ground campaign to restore order on a world in rebellion against it's original faction, while the other faction is attempting to reinforce that rebellion). Victory is achieved by the first team to deliver enough supplies to support a major ground offensive.


Got ideas?

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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There are actually a few new map types I would add:


Defend the Convoy: one side (probably the Republic) is trying to defend a convoy of freighters by killing a certain number of enemy fighters; while one side's trying to destroy the freighters, the other's trying to save the freighters by killing the enemy fighters.


Dogfight: Two squadrons of fighters have met in open space. The objective is simple: fight to the death until there's only one side left standing. (Yes, this would basically be a space version of arenas and could be done in rounds, though it'd probably be better if the win/loss ratio was 3/5 instead of 2/3)


The next idea I have to share (and the one I'd REALLY like to see added) is one about fleet battles, though it's a long post with alot of gory details. So I'll cut off this post here. To be continued...

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I would love to see some sort of "Convoy" style mission.....perhaps with a mid game sides flip for attacker/defenders. Bonuses based on how many NPC convoy ships make it to their destination. I think the Old Wing Commander games had something like this.... Edited by Oteefo
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Fleet Battles


Two fleets have gathered above a random world to destroy one another: each side gets 1-3 capital ships and 4-6 frigates as part of their fleet, with numbers depending upon the map size & frigates having a 2:1 ratio against capital ships. To add a bit of realism to the battle, capital & frigates will move around the map in pre-determined flight paths, firing lasers at both players and each other. There are three objectives to this kind of map:


1:) To destroy a certain number of star fighters (enemy players), with kills being tallied across the entire team. As in, in order to ensure victory, one side must devastate the forces of the enemy in order to achieve one third of victory conditions.


2:) To destroy at least half of the enemy's frigates. As a bonus objective, players could elect to destroy all of them for bonus fleet requisition for the whole team. And destroying these would benefit the team in another way: in many space combat games, frigates are never a match for a capital ship in a one-on-one fight, yet are devastating against enemy fighters; destroying them helps remove a major amount of player deaths. As their weapons are meant to destroy larger ships, capital ships will lend fire support against frigates.


3:) Cripple all three enemy capital ships by taking out key systems (shield generators, weapons, power generators, etc). And as you destroy the key systems, the capital ships will lose certain abilities as listed:


(*) Shield generators: these provide an extra layer of protection to the systems of the enemy ship; taking them out makes the other systems easier to destroy (obviously)


(*) Power generators: removing these will decrease the capital ship's overall power capacity, crippling the ship's flight abilities.


(*) Weapons: capital ship's weapons are generally used to ward off other capital ships and destroy frigates, but they can give star-fighters a headache too. Knocking these out will benefit your fleet greatly, especially if you want your frigates to keep harassing enemy fighters.


(*) Bridge: the command section of the ship. Once this is gone, players will no longer be able to use the ship as a spawning point.


Once the capital ship has been crippled enough, its systems go critical and it explodes. Players must knock out all capital ships, half of the frigates, and a certain number of enemy players. (Addition of the Bomber class of ships would be a nice way to compliment this kind of map type, as Bombers are effective against enemy capital ships). Of course, players could elect to skip the player kills objective by simply knocking out all capital ship(s), thereby eliminating all of the enemy's spawn points.


Naturally, this type of map would take a while to complete, but it would provide a ton of rewards for completion, with massive amounts of ship & fleet requisition being chief among them. And I don't know about anyone else, but I for one would enjoy this type of map over the old Domination maps any day.

Edited by Klishar
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