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Not a computer whiz but why does OWPVP not work in SWTOR


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As the title says, I am confused as to why Open World PVP (OWPVP) does not work in SWTOR. I have seen lag spikes and server crashes when 40 players are battling it out in a small area. However, 8v8 seems to work just fine (granted I built my rig so it gets decent fps).


Would it be an valid solution for SWTOR to have a GW2 style to OWPVP? If you reskinned a planet like makeb and instanced a few of the plateaus off to limit the population (12v12), would OWPVP work?


You could have a perpetual point system for each faction based on holding objectives, etc. The faction with the most points during the day receives some type of buff to crafting, credit generation, etc. I think 12v12 on 4 instances would be decent option for some PVPers.


The idea is not too fleshed out but any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

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