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How much requisition are you earning per match?


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I usually end up with 400-600 requisition per match. It's really confusing trying to figure out what this number is based on. One match, I did pretty awful, but ended up with around 800 - but some matches I'll get around 6 kills and 1 death, plus capture a control point, and maybe a few defense points, and end up with 500? Any tips for increasing requisition per match? I'm grinding out some $10,000 primary weapon upgrades now and not looking forward to the tier after that!
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I had heard that it doubles if you win and it must base some amount of the gain on medals earned because I am normally in the 5-9 range and figure I average out to 550 or so per match, wins and losses.


I believe Eric or a developer said medals are not related to requisition gain at all. Also you need to watch to see if you are getting the daily 2x requisition bonus.

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Length of match is also a major factor.


So a facestomp 3-cap win may reward 500 reqs, while a closely fought 1000/900 match rewarded me with 1100 reqs (without the 2x bonus).


Hmm, that's interesting. So, if you're running away with it, slow down and ease up a little. lol.

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You get more reqs for defending objectives, capping and so on than you do for winning dogfights. You get about the same reqs for an assist as you do for a kill. Medals don't mean a thing for earning reqs, they are there because people want to see them. That was some of the info out of the stream Friday.
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You get more reqs for defending objectives, capping and so on than you do for winning dogfights. You get about the same reqs for an assist as you do for a kill. Medals don't mean a thing for earning reqs, they are there because people want to see them. That was some of the info out of the stream Friday.


Not sure about that. I use pretty much the same tactics in each match, sometimes i go afk hafl way through, and still end up with the same medals and same req.

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