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Mouse Sensitivity in Space PVP


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As it is for me right now, it is unplayable. I have tried, but the sensitivity in game is WAY too touchy. You barley touch or point and it moves large amounts. The controls for me are too floaty and twitchy. I personally can't stand it and I wont be playing it again until there is an option added.


There needs to be a sensitivity in game, as in preferences, for this. I am NOT about to adjust my mouse on my PC and then put it back every time I am done playing. I much preferred the other Space controls than to this. I cant even do anything or get a kill. I gave it my best try, but as it is right now, I am done.


It should control like Rogue Squadron, more simplified, not having 20 different things to press and worry about.


That's my two cents. I hope the next batch of content is something I actually want to play.

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As it is for me right now, it is unplayable. I have tried, but the sensitivity in game is WAY too touchy. You barley touch or point and it moves large amounts. The controls for me are too floaty and twitchy. I personally can't stand it and I wont be playing it again until there is an option added.


There needs to be a sensitivity in game, as in preferences, for this. I am NOT about to adjust my mouse on my PC and then put it back every time I am done playing. I much preferred the other Space controls than to this. I cant even do anything or get a kill. I gave it my best try, but as it is right now, I am done.


It should control like Rogue Squadron, more simplified, not having 20 different things to press and worry about.


That's my two cents. I hope the next batch of content is something I actually want to play.


I agree that there should be a sensitivity setting added, but I really think you're judging it too quickly.


Galactic Starfighter was a huge fan service. Out of all of my friends, I can safely say: I am the biggest EA hater, but what they've done here is excellent. Not only did they add pvp support for space fighting, but they changed the whole damn thing! I was absolutely overwhelmed the first time I entered my ship to fight for the Empire today, but I play the game for challenge anyway, so the tougher the better (in honor of Sith Inquisitor).. The controls feel so complicated at first, but once you get your orientation straight, you can make your ship dance! Don't take this the wrong way, but just because you're bad at something at the moment doesn't make it a bad system. Play a couple more games after doing the tutorial, and I promise you, you'll start to enjoy it slightly. It just feels so Star Wars and respects the genre.


I personally love this new pvp mode. Thank you, EA/Bioware, for giving me a reason to come back to your game after months of not playing.

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I agree that there should be a sensitivity setting added, but I really think you're judging it too quickly.


Galactic Starfighter was a huge fan service. Out of all of my friends, I can safely say: I am the biggest EA hater, but what they've done here is excellent. Not only did they add pvp support for space fighting, but they changed the whole damn thing! I was absolutely overwhelmed the first time I entered my ship to fight for the Empire today, but I play the game for challenge anyway, so the tougher the better (in honor of Sith Inquisitor).. The controls feel so complicated at first, but once you get your orientation straight, you can make your ship dance! Don't take this the wrong way, but just because you're bad at something at the moment doesn't make it a bad system. Play a couple more games after doing the tutorial, and I promise you, you'll start to enjoy it slightly. It just feels so Star Wars and respects the genre.


I personally love this new pvp mode. Thank you, EA/Bioware, for giving me a reason to come back to your game after months of not playing.


How does a overly-sensitive and floaty control scheme have anything to do with my playing? That's some flawed logic sir.


I already played a few games, and did the tutorial. I gave it a shot and frankly hated it BECAUSE of the controls. Had the controls been more like Rogue Squadron controls, or given a sensitivity slider at least, I would probably still be playing it. Until then, I wont. The fact is just because YOU enjoy something doesn't mean others will. Me playing it more will just frustrate me and frankly tick me off. I will get zero enjoyment out of it as it is right now. It's not my thing and in all honestly I wasn't excited about this "expansion" at all in the first place but I gave it a try anyway. You can't promise me I'll enjoy it just because you do. Maybe it's hard for you to understand that not everyone else enjoys the same type of things you do and not everyone thinks this control set up is playable.


However, I simply wanted to give feedback about the fact that it needs a sensitivity slider because as I see it now (and other people I know)...it is buggy control wise. Plus, there is no sound because of a bug. My sound drops out the second I enter a game and returns once it is over.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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How does a overly-sensitive and floaty control scheme have anything to do with my playing? That's some flawed logic sir.


I already played a few games, and did the tutorial. I gave it a shot and frankly hated it BECAUSE of the controls. Had the controls been more like Rogue Squadron controls, or given a sensitivity slider at least, I would probably still be playing it. Until then, I wont. The fact is just because YOU enjoy something doesn't mean others will. Me playing it more will just frustrate me and frankly tick me off. I will get zero enjoyment out of it as it is right now. It's not my thing and in all honestly I wasn't excited about this "expansion" at all in the first place but I gave it a try anyway. You can't promise me I'll enjoy it just because you do. Maybe it's hard for you to understand that not everyone else enjoys the same type of things you do and not everyone thinks this control set up is playable.


However, I simply wanted to give feedback about the fact that it needs a sensitivity slider because as I see it now (and other people I know)...it is buggy control wise. Plus, there is no sound because of a bug. My sound drops out the second I enter a game and returns once it is over.


I haven't come across any bugs, and I honestly think this is more a problem of you having your mouse setting wayyy too sensitive, because my side feels fine. This expansion caters more for the fans of the movies, so I guess difference of opinions. Sorry you hate it that very much, but it still sounds more like a personal thing with your computer, because once again, I came across zero problems.

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I found that the mouse is a touch sensitive as well. I have spoken with folks in game and there have been mixed feeling about this. I think the lower-end systems are having trouble compiling all that data and the mouse is just appearing too sensitive. I have a better system on the way and should be here in a few weeks. Hopefully that will solve the problem. I doubt skill has much to do with the sensitivity issue. SWGJTL operated on much the same system, as does BSG online, and I've never experienced such sensitivity with those games as I have with this one.
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