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People is suiciding all the time!


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My take on this is quite the opposite. I feel a certain satisfaction when the pilot I'm shooting at either feels so desperate or disoriented that he crashes into the environment. I mean that's what we are always shown in movies, right? Just think of the Falcon fleeing from Tie Fighters through an asteroid field or the speeder chase in Ep. 3. If I can make them fly into objects it just means they are dead sooner rather than later.


Whether or not I get medals for that is of little concern to me.


But, I have been on the receiving end of that, too. I sometimes accidentally hit 3 instead of 2, which made me fly straight into a wall instead of replenishing my shields.

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There is a penalty - if you suicide, you have to wait longer to respawn. I'm pretty sure the delay gets longer w/ each suicide as well (can't remember for sure though; been a while since my noob days on the PTS where I crashed all the time).


I checked - and this is not true. You get delayed after each death regardless of who killed you, the enemy or yourself.

I got blown up by some random guy and had to wait 7 seconds to respawn. Then I flew into a mesa, got blown up and again had to wait 7 seconds. There's a wait penalty for death, yes. But it does not take into account how you die.


I always kill myself when I run out of rockets or missiles and so do a lot of others. There's no way to replenish ammunition in the field and it takes forever to kill stuff with just lasers. Maybe if they implemented supply stations or something, people would feel less obligated to to replenish their missiles and rockets the only way they can - by dying.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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In my opinion, this is due to the mouse sensitivity being faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too high.


I crashed into something 10 times MINIMUM in a match, when I was flying a fast scout.


With the Gunship, I hardly ever crashed into anything. Because it's so much slower.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Barrel roll is #1 killer of new players :p


Hah, I swear I had six people panic and barrel roll (or similar) into walls or structures just before I was going to finish them while defending inside Kuat Mesa's drum node in one battle last night. Damn those kill-deniers.


OP - I really don't think those people were deliberately denying you kills. Take it as a compliment that you panicked them into doing something stupid which killed them, and bank the assist.




They can oneshot!


Now there's something we can all support.


Unless we live in houses.

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bah I didn't try Gunship on PTS just used a lot Scout but yesterday I tryed it and I'm loving it! From second WZs with gunship I always done 38k+ dmgs with 0 deaths but...there were a lot newbies :p

Gunship is really powerfull yes but on last WZ there were 1/2 Scouts countering me, I mean with Gunship, if you have a scout that is running around you is not so easy to def yourself.


A good tactic I used with my guildmates is obviously have a strikeFighter that guard you from scouts.


Also I have a guildmate that with scout did 35k+ dmgs..so ships imho seem balanced if played correctly.

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A lot of them are accidental too. Barrel roll propels you a million light years forward, and straight into an asteroid if you aren't used to it yet. And the controls aren't exactly amazing for a lot of people.


This has happened to me sometimes, I barrelroll too close and BOOM! But I've also managed to BR and then pull up and avoid the asteroid. Though I have seen some people suicide when their health was low, I thought they hit something, now it occurs to me they could just be suiciding so people don't get the kill.

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