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2.5 BiS Relics


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Not for Watchman, self healing double procs still work for Underworld/Kell Dragon SA and Dread Forged FR, even those 2 equipped simulatneously with FR having been bolstered through the roof. I even spec into left tree heals on cauterize in Carnage and Focus because of that.


Heres some hard numbers for 2.5 patch:


Kell Dragon SA with self-heal, Uptime increased to 48%: 316 AP/120 DPS

Underworld SA with self-heal, 48% uptime: 291 AP/111 DPS

Arkanian SA with self-heal, 48% uptime: 269 AP/102 DPS


Dread Forged SA : 240 AP/92 DPS

Kell Dragon SA: 198 AP/75 DPS

Obroan SA: 191 AP/73 DPS

Underworld SA: 182 AP/69 DPS

Arkanian SA: 168 AP/64 DPS


Dread Forged FR, self-heal, uptime 70% with 9% Mainstatstat: 406 AP /154 DPS

Dread Forged FR, self-heal, uptime 70% : 375 AP /143 DPS

Obroan FR, self-heal, uptime 70% with 9% Mainstatstat: 331 AP /126 DPS

Obroan FR, self-heal, uptime 70%: 305 AP / 116 DPS


Dread Forged FR with 9% Mainstatstat: 259 AP / 98 DPS

Dread Forged FR: 240 AP / 92 DPS

Obroan FR with 9% Mainstatstat: 207 AP /79 DPS

Obroan FR: 191 AP / 73 DPS


Kell Dragon internal damage proc: 173 AP/66 DPS

Kell Drache kinetic: 163 AP/62 DPS

Kell Drache kinetic, Combat, armor pen: 185 AP/70 DPS


Dread Forged AP Klick: 162 AP/62 DPS

Kell Dragon AP Klick: 151 AP/57 DPS


Edited by atschai
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Wait there's an SA relic that will heal you in addition to the power proc? And what do you mean by "self healing double procs"?


The Underworld & Kell Dragon SA relics will proc independently from damage you do as well as heals done through DoT crits. As a result you will see a higher uptime of the buff for these two relics so much so that both of these relics are superior to the Dread Forged SA relic for Watchman.


Check out this explanation.

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The Underworld & Kell Dragon SA relics will proc independently from damage you do as well as heals done through DoT crits. As a result you will see a higher uptime of the buff for these two relics so much so that both of these relics are superior to the Dread Forged SA relic for Watchman.


Check out this explanation.

From what I understood from that spreadsheet it looks have to 2 DF FR relics gives the highest total DPS benefit. But how does that work? You can't stack proc relics of the same type.

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From what I understood from that spreadsheet it looks have to 2 DF FR relics gives the highest total DPS benefit. But how does that work? You can't stack proc relics of the same type.


Each relic is evaluated independently. So the DF and Obroan DF relics independently offer the greatest DPS benefit. However, as you rightfully assert they can no work together so you need to pick another relic to use with one of these DF relics.

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I have the Obroan SA and the DF main stat proc, and I can say that these don't share any kind of CD they proc together all the time, and the DF relic actually procs twice sometimes, once for heals and once for DPS. I want to try the DF SA and see if works the same, if so I'd consider this BiS - with a Boundless Ages to click before fights and then relic swap.
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I have the Obroan SA and the DF main stat proc, and I can say that these don't share any kind of CD they proc together all the time, and the DF relic actually procs twice sometimes, once for heals and once for DPS. I want to try the DF SA and see if works the same, if so I'd consider this BiS - with a Boundless Ages to click before fights and then relic swap.


The DF SA relic does not proc independently from damage and heals. However, the KD and Underworld do.

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I have the Obroan SA and the DF main stat proc, and I can say that these don't share any kind of CD they proc together all the time, and the DF relic actually procs twice sometimes, once for heals and once for DPS. I want to try the DF SA and see if works the same, if so I'd consider this BiS - with a Boundless Ages to click before fights and then relic swap.

Keep in mind that if you swap relics, they cannot proc for one minute. It is the same CD as for boundless ages, only that it is invisible.

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The DF SA relic does not proc independently from damage and heals. However, the KD and Underworld do.

I have an Underworld SA relic. I don't ever see myself ever getting the NiM bosses that have the KD relics down and winning it. So once I get a DF FR relic am I practically BiS for relics until EA ****s with the math and/or effects again?

Edited by Bugattiboy
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I have an Underworld SA relic. I don't ever see myself ever getting the NiM bosses that have the KD relics down and winning it. So once I get a DF FR relic am I practically BiS for relics until EA ****s with the math and/or effects again?


Yes. In the meantime you could get an Obroan FR relic.

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Got Dread Forged Focused Retribution today and was dissapointed to discover that for watchman (my favourite spec) , the Obroan Focused Retribution (which i was using before) currently is better for that spec since it procs twice for both dmg and heals while DF version doesn't i just assumed they'd have the same bug . Then I read this thread and found out that underworld/KD procs separably for both as well so bought a underworld one to test... (i was using an obroan before which doesn't) and right enough.. more dps with underworld SA+ Obroan focused Retribution...Even though the procs give less stats then my obroan SA+ DF FR they proc way more often from the heals as well as the dps giving way more dps.


So i guess Obroan FR + the Kell Dragon SA would be possible BIS for watchman in the current bugged state of relic?

Obviously for combat its alot simpler (DF FR+ SA . :p)


Bioware you so confusing

Edited by AngusFTW
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Got Dread Forged Focused Retribution today and was dissapointed to discover that for watchman (my favourite spec) , the Obroan Focused Retribution (which i was using before) currently is better for that spec since it procs twice for both dmg and heals while DF version doesn't i just assumed they'd have the same bug . Then I read this thread and found out that underworld/KD procs separably for both as well so bought a underworld one to test... (i was using an obroan before which doesn't) and right enough.. more dps with underworld SA+ Obroan focused Retribution...Even though the procs give less stats then my obroan SA+ DF FR they proc way more often from the heals as well as the dps giving way more dps.


So i guess Obroan FR + the Kell Dragon SA would be possible BIS for watchman in the current bugged state of relic?

Obviously for combat its alot simpler (DF FR+ SA . :p)


Bioware you so confusing


I was under the impression that the DF FR relic proc'ed independently from heals and damage. This would manifest itself as procs longer than 12s and more frequent than every 20s. This parse from Doko of DiLiH shows exactly this behavior. To be fair, that parse was just after patch 2.4.3. There has been nothing in the patch notes to indicate that this would have changed, but BW could have ninja-fixed it. If you have a parse showing something different will you please post it?

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ah crap my bad tested it again today and it seemed to function the same way as obroan..

must have forgot about the cd changing the relics in my tiredness :D

Should really stop testing things at 2am..

the UW and KD SA info is nice though improved my dps switching form obroan to uw :p

Edited by AngusFTW
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