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I think we should adapt Wildstar's idea for a arena system.


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I was reading on Wildstar's PvP system, and I think they have a great arena system that we should adapt.


Arenas consist of small teams attempting to kill the opposing group of enemies. Each team has a set amount of respawns. A match is won when all of the members of a certain team has been killed, and are unable to respawn.


What this means is that there are actually no rounds. Instead, each team has a set of respawn counts, for example, 10. When the battle starts, the fight will be continuous without break. When a combatant is down, he can choose to respawn and the respawn count for his team gets a -1. The fight continues until the respawn count for a team reaches 0 and all members of the team is down, then the opposing team wins.


How is this better? This makes classes that have superior cooldowns, like Operative/Scoundrel healers and Marauders/Sentinels, less overpowered in arenas. They may blow all their cooldowns to survive the 1st life, but that means they won't have these cooldowns for the next few respawns. This also makes classes like healing Sorc/Sage and Merc/Commando more viable. The opposing team may blow all their offensive cooldowns to kill them in the 1st spawn, but that means the opposing team won't have these cooldowns to kill them the same way in the next few respawns.


I got to say, Wildstar is being designed from the start as a PvP game and its PvP systems are looking great.

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I think you are overestimating the length of the CDs you are referring to...


UR is like 45 sec or a minute on Rage Maras, CoP is up every other 30 seconds, Stealths is about 45 seconds as well.


Operatives have Dodge quite a bit and the CD is reduced by taking damage. Not really sure what other CDs they need besides restealthing I guess, but that isn't what makes them awesome. It's their lack of a need to watch their energy bar at any time.


Compare this to like 2 minutes for E-net on Merc/Mando or Force Barrier for Sorc/Sage and you'd be hurting the classes with actually lengthy CDs that matter.

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I think you are overestimating the length of the CDs you are referring to...


UR is like 45 sec or a minute on Rage Maras, CoP is up every other 30 seconds, Stealths is about 45 seconds as well.


Operatives have Dodge quite a bit and the CD is reduced by taking damage. Not really sure what other CDs they need besides restealthing I guess, but that isn't what makes them awesome. It's their lack of a need to watch their energy bar at any time.


Compare this to like 2 minutes for E-net on Merc/Mando or Force Barrier for Sorc/Sage and you'd be hurting the classes with actually lengthy CDs that matter.


Ya, but there are also offensive cooldowns like Inspiration/Bloodthirst that buff the entire party and is on a 5 minutes cooldown. Frenzy/Valor Call that have a 2.5 minutes cooldown. Many classes also have long offensive cooldowns. These offensive cooldowns are also why some classes are dying too fast in arenas.

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Wildstar is also being designed from the ground up with cross server tech, save able spec load outs, ranked and unranked arena in the 2, 3 & 5 person team brackets, ranked and unranked battlegrounds that are 10v10 and also 40v40 Warplots which is like large scale siege warfare designed as Guild v Guild.


If you want Wildstars arena format, why not just play Wildstar when it releases?

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Wildstar is also being designed from the ground up with cross server tech, save able spec load outs, ranked and unranked arena in the 2, 3 & 5 person team brackets, ranked and unranked battlegrounds that are 10v10 and also 40v40 Warplots which is like large scale siege warfare designed as Guild v Guild.


If you want Wildstars arena format, why not just play Wildstar when it releases?


Because it doesn't have lightsabers :/

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WildStar looks on paper awsome and extremely promising.


Having said that i think the best of 3 SWTOR arena system is the best.


Re spawn will make a lot of games stupid.


Stronger teams will farm weak teams and will be unnecessarily demoralizing for teams that it happens to.


Competative games will go on for ever!! Many competitive games in swotor have gone to sudden death and i remember playing wow arenas where competitive games lasted for ever.

Now add re spawns and damn some games might not end till ppl have to literaly log off and got to bed.

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People will wait with respawning till the entire team is dead anyway, else you'll end up with 1 person less again and again most of the time.

It's what you do in rbg's in wow aswell, you have people call out what the respawn timer is and if it's a tactical move to let yourself die, you do it.

And other things like that.


That system is also not even tested yet, so I'll have to see it first before I can say if it's good or bad.


A better solution would be to ban certain cd's from being used in arena.

And tbh, cd's aint the biggest issue in arena atm.

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