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New Planet Idea....PVP PLANET.


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In a new patch or a new expansion make a planet where the moment you touch down you are flagged for PvP. Simple as that. take off the PvP areas on Tatooine and Ilum and just move the "No Man Lands" quest to the new PvP planet. Also move all PvP acheivements to that PvP planet and call it a day. This would make all the People that want to PvP on a PvE server happy so they finally have a planet to do their achievements and gnaking...im not saying id got there to do so but if i felt like it id be happy to do a global search on the planet to see how many people are on planet and if its at least 1 person i could go down and hunt them down to kill or be killed.


This could also spawn to what ive been seeing int he forums as a bounty on player week thing. this would give an actual quest and prize to kill other people.


Getting back to the subject when on planet and you kill someone on planet you should receive 5 WZ coms per kill. its not alot inknow BUT its enough to make it worth coming down to the planet and kill others. Loot would be the same as killing an NPC. they have a yellow glow (until they rez back at the base medcenter) and a little pack on the ground to loot the 5 WZ coms from. This could work and I dont see a single issue from this kind of play...those that dont want to PvP dont have to come to the planet and those that want to PvP and test their skills (and gear) against whomever is on the planet can have at it.

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In a new patch or a new expansion make a planet where the moment you touch down you are flagged for PvP. Simple as that. take off the PvP areas on Tatooine and Ilum and just move the "No Man Lands" quest to the new PvP planet. Also move all PvP acheivements to that PvP planet and call it a day. This would make all the People that want to PvP on a PvE server happy so they finally have a planet to do their achievements and gnaking...im not saying id got there to do so but if i felt like it id be happy to do a global search on the planet to see how many people are on planet and if its at least 1 person i could go down and hunt them down to kill or be killed.


This could also spawn to what ive been seeing int he forums as a bounty on player week thing. this would give an actual quest and prize to kill other people.


Getting back to the subject when on planet and you kill someone on planet you should receive 5 WZ coms per kill. its not alot inknow BUT its enough to make it worth coming down to the planet and kill others. Loot would be the same as killing an NPC. they have a yellow glow (until they rez back at the base medcenter) and a little pack on the ground to loot the 5 WZ coms from. This could work and I dont see a single issue from this kind of play...those that dont want to PvP dont have to come to the planet and those that want to PvP and test their skills (and gear) against whomever is on the planet can have at it.


No thank you. Don't want forced PvP on PvE servers.

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Here's a hint: Don't go to that planet?


I never get this. Why do people want the game to revolve around their gameplay-style? Don't like it? Don't play that part of the game.


I did not say I wanted to be around my style. I said I don't want it forced on PVE SERVERS!!!. Sure if you want a PvP planet go for it but in my opinion which I am entitled to have is that it should be confined to PvP servers only.


Edit: I might add that the Starfighter expansion is PvP only.

Edited by theUndead
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I did not say I wanted to be around my style. I said I don't want it forced on PVE SERVERS!!!. Sure if you want a PvP planet go for it but in my opinion which I am entitled to have is that it should be confined to PvP servers only.


Edit: I might add that the Starfighter expansion is PvP only.


See this is my point here and you missed it completely...I said to remove the PvP option on all planets and all the achievements and Move it to the New planet. thus confinding the people that want to PvP to that ONE AND ONLY planet. This way the people that dont want to PvP dont have to go to that planet and theyre safe on all others...however if they want to PvP go to that planet and youre flagged and can now attack same faction and enemy faction.


Again if you dont want it dont go to the ONE planet but hey youre titled to your single minded opinion and rather keep things the way they are now when youre in a group with someone and theyre flagged and you buff them and now youre flagged then you get ganked. yep.

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Here's a hint: Don't go to that planet?


I never get this. Why do people want the game to revolve around their gameplay-style? Don't like it? Don't play that part of the game.


I would love a PvP planet. There are always going to be people who give the usual crap about "how it affects their gameplay style". Like you said, for the people who don't like that idea then Don't go to the planet. It's not like it is going to be mandatory. I want a PvP planet just to massacre lots of people without worrying about objectives.

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A big PVP update is coming in just over 24 hours, in the form of Galactic Starfighter, and I'd rather not see any more development time or money go to further PVP-exclusive content for at least a good, long while.


oooo a flight simulator where you "cant" use a joystic......whopty do...

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I would love a PvP planet. There are always going to be people who give the usual crap about "how it affects their gameplay style". Like you said, for the people who don't like that idea then Don't go to the planet. It's not like it is going to be mandatory. I want a PvP planet just to massacre lots of people without worrying about objectives.


Thank you someone that shares my ideals, actually read my post, and understood it.

Edited by Jamalzero
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This game needs a planet where you go to on a PvP or PvE server where there are no objectives or quests other than Kill 1 player or kill 1000 players as a daily or weekly. At the least just make a planet where it is PvP so on the PvE servers its actally feasible to get the PvP achievements done. Edited by Jamalzero
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A big PVP update is coming in just over 24 hours, in the form of Galactic Starfighter, and I'd rather not see any more development time or money go to further PVP-exclusive content for at least a good, long while.


I play on a laptop and im a keyboard turner and I do just fine in PvP...I dont play space missions because i have to use a mouse and i dont have one nor do i see the point in a mouse when the missions are on a RAIL SYSTEM...I dont have to actually pilot the ship... so i should be able to treat it like regular PvE content where i Tab target and press 1 to shoot lasers and press 2 to fire missiles...BOOM space missions fixed and id actually play them then...but now they want to make a PvP System thats like rouge squadron (what space missions shouldve been) they should add the function in the game where you can use a joystick with the space PvP other wise thats just something else i wont play in this game.

Edited by Jamalzero
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I did not say I wanted to be around my style. I said I don't want it forced on PVE SERVERS!!!. Sure if you want a PvP planet go for it but in my opinion which I am entitled to have is that it should be confined to PvP servers only.


Edit: I might add that the Starfighter expansion is PvP only.


How is it forced on you? You don't have to visit the planet. There is not quest for you there. No boss to kill. No achievement you want (and if you want the PvP achievement, then you'd be flagged anyway). Hell if people are adamant, Bioware could maybe put it as an instance on a planet (like Section X on Belsavis) so we don't deny RPers access to the planet. But give one real reason it's going to break your gameplay?


A big PVP update is coming in just over 24 hours, in the form of Galactic Starfighter, and I'd rather not see any more development time or money go to further PVP-exclusive content for at least a good, long while.


Unbelievable. The first PvP-exclusive update in a whole long year. PvErs got 2 new FPs, 3 new Ops, Makeb, Oricon and a ton of other solo quests, and the Bounty Contract Week event this year (and I'm sure I forgot a lot of stuff too). Plus 2.5 comes with the Gree Event which has Xenoanalyst, and a ton of PvE reputation based quests. And then we're getting the Life Day event. And then the revamped Rakghoul Event. Plus, the December iteration of the Bounty Contract Week. Plus there's 2 new Flashpoints tying in GSF to the story arc. Yeah. This is a totally PvP exclusive month...


PvP players finally get something new that acts as a change of pace, and you're complaining? Wow.


P.S. Why do you guys think PvE and PvP exist in a vaccuum? If one receives development funds, it does not mean the other's being screwed over. It's a cycle.

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I play on a laptop and im a keyboard turner and I do just fine in PvP...I dont play space missions because i have to use a mouse and i dont have one nor do i see the point in a mouse when the missions are on a RAIL SYSTEM...I dont have to actually pilot the ship... so i should be able to treat it like regular PvE content where i Tab target and press 1 to shoot lasers and press 2 to fire missiles...BOOM space missions fixed and id actually play them then...but now they want to make a PvP System thats like rouge squadron (what space missions shouldve been) they should add the function in the game where you can use a joystick with the space PvP other wise thats just something else i wont play in this game.


From what I've read (haven't tried it out yet), using a joystick would actually *gimp* the player as opposed to boost his performance. Apparently the forward facing cannons are controlled independently by the mouse. As in, the cannons don't shoot directly where your ship is facing, they can be aimed at a different spot in front of you. So using a joystick would slow down the cursor a lot, because even on it's highest sensitivity, it simply won't turn as fast as a mouse user would. So far as I've heard, it's actually *better* with the mouse and keyboard.

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From what I've read (haven't tried it out yet), using a joystick would actually *gimp* the player as opposed to boost his performance. Apparently the forward facing cannons are controlled independently by the mouse. As in, the cannons don't shoot directly where your ship is facing, they can be aimed at a different spot in front of you. So using a joystick would slow down the cursor a lot, because even on it's highest sensitivity, it simply won't turn as fast as a mouse user would. So far as I've heard, it's actually *better* with the mouse and keyboard.


this may be true BUT most of us keyboard turners dont use a mouse to target...if i could use a Joystick my left hand is free to Tab target and prceed to shoot with my joystick. I appreciate the unbiased input on both your posts.

Edited by Jamalzero
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Agreed. I have a hard time grasping why dedicated PVP-ers don't just play on PVP servers. That would seem to be the most equitable solution for all involved.

And to further reply to the OP, nothing would make me go to Planet PvP. I don't care how many WZ comms per kill my character got.

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It would be an entire planet as under used as Outlaw's Den on PvE servers. Waste of time.


Outlaws den and Ilum had no reward for kills and no real reason to go in that area…There are periodically boxes with 10 WZ coms but they spawn over the area if it was an Item that dropped it'd be worth going for me…but you are entitled to you opinion and like i said to the other posters ITS A PLANET you don't have to visit it.

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Agreed. I have a hard time grasping why dedicated PVP-ers don't just play on PVP servers. That would seem to be the most equitable solution for all involved.


I'm not a dedicated PvPer I just want a planet to move all the PvP achievements to. This way the OCD people like myself on a PvE server wanting to get 100% achievement completion can actually get it done…do you have any idea how hard it is getting 50000 player kills on section x???? I literally have to have a fully geared assassin sitting in the base waiting for someone to walk in flagged just to get the kill and that happens once every two weeks to a month just to get 1 kill because after i rape them in 3 sec flat they sit there dead for 5 mins to remove the flag…I'm not a dedicated PvPer i just like getting achievements done…and having a PvP planet this would enable people like myself to go there and get that done in an environment where we can kill each other to get all PvP achievements done….

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Pardon my ignorance, but isn't that pretty much the way a PvP-server works? You are on a contested planet... bam, you are flagged... all the time. No way to turn it off.


So if there already are servers, where this gamestyle is supported on multiple planets... why add another planet that enforces this gamestyle on people who do not like that style?


The players who like that style already are on PvP-servers... to them it would be just another planet with same rules as Alderaan, Tatooine, Quesh, Hoth, Makeb, Oricon, Nar Shadaar...

The players on PvE (and RP) servers appear to not like that system and so they are likely to completely ignore the planet.


So why have that planet?

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And to further reply to the OP, nothing would make me go to Planet PvP. I don't care how many WZ comms per kill my character got.


then don't go, you don't have to go there thats just one aspect of the game you don't have to play and never see.


I don't play Space missions and i never B**** about them in the space mission forum and I won't do space PvP for the same reason I never liked the space aspect of this game because it horrible and the controls are single minded.


Space PvP/missions are not for me and i won't play it just like Ground PvP obviously isn't for people who don't know how to play their class and test their skills against other people. I don't blame you…just if its not for you,and you don't want to play that aspect of the game, just don't complain about how you don't understand it and don't want it in the game because your voice and opinion are void once you say "i don't play PvP" on a PvP topic…all the PvPers are skipping over your post.


And again I'm not a dedicated PvPer but i would like to see this just so we all on PvE servers could get 100% achievement completion.

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Pardon my ignorance, but isn't that pretty much the way a PvP-server works? You are on a contested planet... bam, you are flagged... all the time. No way to turn it off.


So if there already are servers, where this gamestyle is supported on multiple planets... why add another planet that enforces this gamestyle on people who do not like that style?


The players who like that style already are on PvP-servers... to them it would be just another planet with same rules as Alderaan, Tatooine, Quesh, Hoth, Makeb, Oricon, Nar Shadaar...

The players on PvE (and RP) servers appear to not like that system and so they are likely to completely ignore the planet.


So why have that planet?


Im suggesting this so us who want to get 100% achievement completion can actually get ti done..otherwise what are the odds of getting 50,000 kills on section x???

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I must assume that the OP did not "enjoy" the fiasco that was Ilum in the early days?


Ilum IS the pvp planet, it is unused, broken and discarded by the devs.


Ilum was not a PvP planet…it had a PvP area that you battled for and it had no reward…I have been playing since launch and ever since the achievements came out i find it hard to get 50,000 player kills on a PvE server Id have to get a toon to 55, Get that 55 in all WH gear, Pay $10 for a server transfer, then go to a cross faction planet and hope to find and kill 50,000 toons on each planet just to get the achievement then pay another $10 to transfer back so the achievement is added to my achievements just to get 100% completion and i don't want to pay $20 and go through the head ache of doing so...

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