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2 Years of sub... where is the box sized expansion?


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A new expansion should include ;


- Level cap raised to 70 ( or 60, depends how you want to do it. )

- A new chapter with at least three planets and a lot more voice acting.

- New skill trees for all advanced classes ( or maybe you would want to voice act an entire new class. )

- New skills for each classes, making their rotation more playable with their new skills.

- 2XNew warzones.

- 2XNew operations about the three chapters we just played.

- New crafting options up to 500.

- New cartel market features.

- A mini game like Pazaak or Pod Racing.


These are only the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more you have to think about in a major expansion pack.


These digital expansions are awesome if you ask me. But if there is going to be a major expansion pack, i'd prefer Bioware slowly making way for it by releasing another digital expansion pack, raising level cap to 60, and then come up with something new according to that story and raise it to 70.


Coz at this point, Bioware used all they had up their sleeve in game. We still got a year, maybe two for that major expansion pack.


All the best.

Edited by Hakkology
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