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A question about lethality.


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Soon now I am going to make a lethality operative and I have heard some people say that you should level as concealment until you are high enough to get cull, is this true or should I just go leth from the beginning? Thanks! Edited by avatarearth
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Soon now I am going to make a lethality operative and I have heard some people say that you should level as concealment until you are high enough to get cull, is this true or should I just go leth from the beginning? Thanks!


Lethality is next to useless without cull. And even with cull it needs lot of time to build up. It's ok for bosses but for leveling it's a pain. It's much faster to stab everything to death. I'd go for concealment all the way to 55 and then go lethality for operations and flashpoints. And maybe respec to lethality only for flashpoints when leveling (still only when cull is available)

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My favorite leveling build is healing/conc hybrid


Just enough points in the Medicine tree to get Surgical precision, and the rest in Concealment up to Culling. fantastic build, you can heal with it in FP's and do enough DPS solo to regularly pull off your tank comps (if you use one, i prefer my DPS comp).


the key with this build is keeping your HoT on you and comp at all times (to maximize UH procs), use your channeled default healing skill to regain energy when needed, and when healing isn't needed, spam Lacerated till you puke. fun build, always lots to do. your instant heal is for burning extra UH charges (Honestly, you really DO have extra charges in this build...lots), and to keep your comp up during tough fights.


What tree you start in is purely a matter of preference. I started in the healing tree on both my Operative and smuggler (since the healing comp is further along in both stories), but if your starting with treek going up the Concealment tree first is just as viable.


You could go full concealment, but in all honesty, in solo play most your damage is from Laceration procs anyways, so I actually find with this build that A) I can get off more Lacerates back to back then full Conc, and B) i have more energy available, and C) when the bantha fodder hits the fan I can keep just about anyone alive and still dish out decent DPS.


The downside is it does require you to spend some time healing you and/or your comp. but really for the most part its keeping the HoT's up, and an occasional channel. i find it far more engaging then either full DPS build.... ***For solo play***


Full DPS builds are better for end game HM's and Ops. they really can put out better DPS in the long run. But in solo play this chews through the mobs.

Edited by Elyx
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Lethality/Dirty Fighting, really shine when they get Cull/Wounding Shots. Before that point though, I would stick with Concealment/Scrapper. Concealment/Scrapper deals formidable damage in solo and Warzones. while Lethality/Dirty Fighting can really dish out pain in Group settings and Ops. Both trees are viable but Lethality/Dirty Fighting is higher parsing and has somewhat better damage overall. But if you aren't looking for Sustained Damage and you want Burst Damage, go for Concealment/Scrapper, I don't care for Concealment's animations and the knife concept, so I stick to Medicine on my operative, but I do have a Scrapper Scoundrel for my fix of decent stealther damage. I like the idea of shooting a Shotgun point blank into someone's back it makes me smile when I see 6k from my backblasts on a consistent basis. and my opener can deal 7k+ with a Crit. For Scrapper, Crit and Surge really help out their damage. Since the Meticuiulously Kept Blades/Underdog talent provides 30% Surge to some of the hardest hitting abilities, it really helps to have tech crit at 30% or so. and surge should be at about 70% to give 100% Surge to your Opener, Backstab, Acid Blade, and Sever Tendon, which is really under-used as an ability. Sever Tendon can deal about 1000 damage and it's a slow/root if talented. Both Operative/Scoundrel DPS choices are very squishy, but can deal decent damage. So pick your Poison/Bleed and stick with it!
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