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Most powerful feeling advanced class


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Was having this discussion in my guild earlier and wanted some outside opinions...


Which of each advanced class feels the most powerful to you(not in terms of dps or whatever)?


Jugg/Guard: Jugg for me, mainly b/c of name and armor sets

Marauder/Sent: Sent b/c setting things on fire feels more powerful than bleeds

Assassin/Shadow: Assassin, anything would feel more powerful than a floating ring of rocks

Sorc/Sage: Sorc, lightning>>>>>>rocks

PT/Vanguard: Vanguard, rifle>>>>>pistol

Merc/Commando: Commando, assault cannon>>>>dual pistol

Gunslinger/Sniper: Sniper, sniper rifle>>>dual pistols

Scoundrel/Operative: Operative, knives just seems more powerful than a shotgun, a punch, and a kick to the groin

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For me it's the Guardian/Juggernaut.


I always believe that being able to "walk through" damage (having high mitigation) is what makes a character look and feel powerful...in any game.


Then being able to Force Stasis/Choke and Force Push people just adds so much to that look and feel of being powerful.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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Guardian/Juggernaut - Guardian. Jugg swings that lightsaber like a caveman. Guardian animations are a lot more technical and dynamic. The stance is also tad more realistic.


Sentinel/Marauder - Marauder. Combat animations look just plain better. Massacre/Annihilate/Battering are awesome.


Sorcerer/Sage - tie. I love how the TK tree effects look (turbulence and TK wave have an awesome feel), I also like Seer animations better. But Sorc also feels great as Lightning, Hybrid, or Madness.


Shadow/Sin - Shadow. More martial arts-y animations, as opposite to a redneck boatman Harry Potter swinging an oar.


Vanguard/PT - Powertech. More variation to animations, more visceral feel. All Vanguard does is point that rifle and it just shoots different stuff. PT feels like he's more, erm, invested.


Merc/Commando - Commando. Grab a cannon with a good, deep sound and you'll eagerly anticipate Full Auto procs as Gunner, not because of the damage, but because of the awesome feel.


Scoundrel/Operative - tie. Scrapper looks utterly badarse with the shotgun and the reloading animations, especially if he's wearing a trenchcoat. Operative has more detailed healing animations. Knife attacks look great, too.


Sniper/Gunslinger - Gunslinger, probably. More variation to animations. Hip-shots look great. Sniper gets too stale after a time, and I've yet to find a sniper rifle with a good, deep sound. Slingers also have less giveaway effects in PvP (namely, Snipe does have an "I'm targeting you!" effect, while Charged Burst does not).

Edited by Helig
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