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Legacy system explained?


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I'm a returning player who has a level 50 character and I'm leveling through some new characters


I've looked at the legacy system in-game and I mostly get what I see there but sometimes I come on to the forums and hear things like "legacy off-hands" or gree vendor in reference to the legacy system and I'm not sure what they're talking about


Is there somewhere I can go that talks about all aspects of the legacy system?

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Dont know if they talk about ALL aspects, but you could just search the internet a bit, there are many pages talking about Legacy :)


This and this could be a good place to start :)


Specifically towards the "Legacy off hand" question, Bioware implemented Legacy gear (prefixes Birthright and Inherited). They are very level restricted though (IE, they lose their usability very quickly).


If i recall, Inherited gear is around level 15, and Birthright gear is around level 30.


The only difference between these and "normal" gear is that the Legacy gear binds to..well, to your legacy, meaning that you can mail it between characters.

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Those are referring to items (like off-hand weapons) that are bound to your Legacy rather than just a single character.


Whereas most items are locked to the character that equips it, a Bind On Legacy (BoL) item can still be mailed back and forth to your other characters on the server.

It's quite useful for moving mods around.

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where does one get bind on legacy items (I have an inherited item so I know where that one comes from)?


There are some birthright and inheritance crap armors and weapons that are bind on legacy. The better bind on legacy stuff is bought from reputation vendors.

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There are some birthright and inheritance crap armors and weapons that are bind on legacy. The better bind on legacy stuff is bought from reputation vendors.
Yeah, the inheritance and birthright gear came along before the reputation system did and it is, sadly, obsolete.
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