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Level 1 - 55


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CaptainFishSticks's guide to leveling!


Step 1: Do quests.

Step 2: Run Flashpoints.




Yes pretty much what you put but obtaining them all in that area but instead of just doing one and going to hand in do them all then go hand them all in stead of running back and forth. also as I said in video when to spam a flashpoint and when to just do the daily flashpoint and lastly signing up as both healer or tank as well as DPS for a flashpoint.

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This will earn you the honor of being put onto many many ignore lists. And rightly so.

Why? If you have respec unlocked and you have a class with both tank or healer and a dps spec, whats to stop you from queuing as both? It's not as if you can queue as tank or healer on a class that doesn't have an appropriate spec. As long as you have the gear and spec for either, I see no problem. If come in and tank/heal in DPS gear or DPS in tank gear... then yeah, /ignore.

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This will earn you the honor of being put onto many many ignore lists. And rightly so.


I'm not saying go into a flashpoint as a tank in dps gear am saying respec to the appropriate spec and make sure you have the gear as it is not hard to obtain these...... but sign up for both instead of signing up as 1 role.


and if you go in as tank respect to tank / if DPS sign up as DPS.

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I'm not saying go into a flashpoint as a tank in dps gear am saying respec to the appropriate spec and make sure you have the gear as it is not hard to obtain these...... but sign up for both instead of signing up as 1 role.


and if you go in as tank respect to tank / if DPS sign up as DPS.


What most people won't ever do. So please stop making suggestions to other players when the probability is high that they don't have the decency to act correctly.

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