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True Darkside Character: Warrior or Inquisitor


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Forgot Voss? Or Plan Zero? Baras trying to kill Warrior is small part of the class story, mainly you're directly working to damage Jedi/Republic + help the Emperor. It's really incompatible with LS, making the stuff you can say to LS Jaesa rather nonsense compared to what Inquisitor can say to Ashara. Inquisitor's story allows so much moral freedom precisely because it has almost nothing to do with the Jedi-Sith/Republic-Empire conflict.

You're bringing up several different things about the LS Warrior that you don't like instead of making a coherent argument. What does Plan Zero have to do with "space Hitler"? Since when have any companion stories fit into either the class story or the overall faction plotline? And so on, and so forth.


I personally believe that none of the Imperial storylines make a whole lot of sense for an LS player. The class stories are one thing, but to combine them with the faction quests on planets pin a player into a moral corner. Very quickly, you get to a point where it makes no sense for your character to be doing what she does, especially considering the things she's done before. So don't make the mistake of thinking that I believe the LS Warrior's story makes total sense from a morality point of view. It doesn't - not even close.


With that said, I think that it makes more sense than the Inquisitor's because the Warrior actually has the opportunity to do good things for some people, where the Inquisitor's "light side" options mostly consist of not being a total douchenozzle. Even the few times when the Inquisitor can try to do genuinely light-side options (e.g. on Alderaan and Taris), the storyline goes such that pretty much everybody involved dies anyway. Yaaaaay.


So yeah, the Warrior's "I'm trying to change things for the better, but I can't until I get my neck out from under Baras' boot" can ring awfully hollow. Very true. But I personally contrast that with the Inquisitor, whose only apparent inclination toward the light side is that she's willing to take over the Empire and end the war with the Republic, but that everything else that the Empire does is a-okay, just keep on keepin' on. Both stories mix LS points with a background that's fundamentally at odds with anything that LS might mean, but I just feel as though the Warrior has more of an excuse for what she does.

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You're talking coherent argument and then mix planetary stories into class ones. Right.


This is simple - who causes more damage to Jedi/Republic and does more to benefit Space Hitler? Warrior. That's DS, unavoidable DS so it will always be worse class choice for someone who wants to play a 'good' character. And yes, Inquisitor doesn't do any great good either. But you're allowed to express that you want to and it will not sound like nonsense precisely because he doesn't do any great evil that Warrior can't avoid doing regardless how LS you try to play.

Edited by Pietrastor
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"Evil is a word used by the ignorant and the weak. The dark side is about survival. It's about unleashing your inner power. It glorifies the strength of the individual.": :wea_01:


"Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side."

Edited by xviilegio
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I'll go with Inquisitor here. I have both Warrior and Inquisitor at Dark 5, and I have to say I found the Inquisitor more fun. Rising from slavery up to a position of power, all the while being tortured and tormented in your soul, is enough to drive anyone crazy, and by the time you hit endgame, the choices you are offered totally reflect that.
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