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I waited over 2 hours yesterday for a ranked WZ that never came, so before I cancel (I only re-subbed for ranked pvp) I am going to try and find a server that has ranked and fairly even non ranked WZ's. Our server is also dramatically one-sided in normals.


Is there a server where ranked WZ's pop in 5-15 minutes, and that regular WZ's are near close matched with no one side winning 90% of the time?



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Go Bastion. I have never had problems in any que time, solo ranked at very very most takes 15 minutes, and regular pvp que takes less than 5. People complain about dwindling pvp populations on non pvp servers ( I know right, less pvpers on pve and rp servers, who would have guessed!?!) , but on pvp servers like bastion and from what I hear POT5 pvp is still kicking and strong.
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