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An in-depth look at combat: Darth Traya


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"Can you feel the Force running through me, even past the veil, past your bloodied eyes? You know you cannot win."


~ Darth Traya to Visas Marr


Age: 50*


Physicality: Traya is entering old age and therefore likely suffers from frailty of the body. Through Force Valor however it would seem she is able to overcome this, displaying herself to be extremely agile to the point of evading lightsaber attacks unarmed and with little difficulty.


*According to Chris Avellone, this is likely to be her age. However he also says “like Yoda, who knows” indicating her true age remains a mystery. I for one would place her at 60+.




Melee Abilities


Despite being a former Jedi Historian, Traya has been touted as a master of lightsaber combat and displayed an excellent knowledge of lightsaber combat, herself fighting on the same level with a master of all seven forms i.e. the Exile - who she herself had a hand in training - and has prowess great enough to impress Echani General Yusanis. It is therefore likely that she was considerably skilled. She was also skilled with telekinetic lightsaber combat.


Lightsaber: Traya has wielded multiple lightsaber weapons over the years. During her time with the Exile it is possible that she wielded a green saberstaff despite the loss of a hand and as a Sith Lord she wielded a standard crimson lightsaber as well as three other purple lightsabers that she wielded telekinetically. None of her lightsabers however were noted to possess any distinguishing features.


Makashi: such a dueling centric form puts Traya in good stead against lightsaber wielding opponents, with the advantages of being able to fight with minimal exertion and effort while often baffling one’s opponent with the sheer effectiveness and finesse of the style. One could also theorise that Traya’s mastery over shatterpoint would bolster its effectiveness. As Makashi places heavy emphasis on recognising and exploiting an opening in an opponent’s defence.


Soresu: an excellent companion to Makashi, Soresu too places emphasis on precise and efficient movements while minimising energy expenditure. And has the added advantage of providing Traya with an excellent defence, allowing her to probe her enemy for weaknesses and build up potent Force attacks in a similar style to Darth Zannah. And while Soresu lacks any offensive capabilities, by subtly interfering with the offensive of one’s opponent one can disrupt and dismember. Something that again would feasibly be aided by an application of shatterpoint.


Trakata: a rare form and little touched upon weapon in Traya’s repertoire, Trakata was designed to take advantage of the lightsaber blade’s ability to be turned on and off. By quickly shutting off the weapon and reigniting it one can bypass an opponent’s block before reigniting it and cutting them down. Or alternatively deactivating the saber in the midst of a blade lock causing the opponent to stagger and become vulnerable. If use successfully, the effects can be lethal.


Force Abilities


As a former Jedi Consular and Sith Lord, Force abilities were Traya’s primary focus. And she dedicated herself both to offensive and more esoteric fields of study, many of which were applicable in battle with lethal effect. The following are her most prominent combat abilities.


Force Concealment: Traya was capable of both forms of concealment, able to bend light and sound waves to render her invisible to the naked eye and mask her Force presence from other Force-sensitives. Essentially allowing her to move around the battlefield unnoticed and unopposed.


Force Sight: Traya forwent the use of her natural eyesight and instead saw purely through the Force like Miraluka. This greatly enhanced her visual and spatial perception as well as reflexes, allowing her to penetrate darkness and even see through solid objects.


Force Healing: as a master of Force healing, Traya was capable of bringing individuals back from the brink of death, or condemning them to it within seconds.


Shatterpoint: a rare and powerful ability, Traya was capable of perceiving what she referred to as ‘fractures’ in people and in events. In people they manifested as weakpoints which Traya could recognise and exploit, allowing herself to see the flaws in her opponents and capitalise on them.


Mind Control: Traya was highly capable in the use of mental manipulation which she could use to induce fear in others, erase their minds, probe their thoughts and memories or plant thoughts in their head - deception that even worked on powerful Force sensitives.


Telekinesis: Naturally as a former Jedi Consular Traya possessed extensive telekinetic ability. Capable of wielding several lightsabers at once despite being severely drained of the Force. She was also able to produce potent Force waves and easily able to rip through the Force barriers of powerful Force wielders with Force gripping and crushing attacks. Making her deadly against weakened Force sensitive opponents.


Force Drain: Arguably her most potent and dangerous ability, Traya could siphon the Force energy of other beings and use it to revitalise her own power, which in some instances would lead to immediate death of even powerful Force wielders. Such an attack could not be defended against by conventional means, making it even more deadly.






In a combat situation Traya benefits greatly from her esoteric abilities which bypass and confuse conventional defenses and offenses. As well having enough ability in lightsaber combat and conventional Force powers to hold off most melee/ranged onslaughts, Traya can disappear and reappear at will, infiltrate her enemies mind, distract them with a telekinetic lightsaber attack or drain their Force energy. And most importantly the potency of her offensive is significantly bolstered by her ability to locate and exploit the weaknesses of her opponent. And any damage inflicted upon her can be quickly healed, and her Force abilities quickly replenished making her difficult to tire and kill.


With such an array of ‘weaponry’ at her disposal Traya’s best tactic to employ in battle is one of distraction and misdirection, assailing her enemies with all manner of attacks to sow confusion, desperation and fear while slowly whittling away their energy reserves with Force drain, to the point where she can overwhelm them through more conventional means. Such a tactic is effective against almost any opponent with few major counters.




Despite being a highly skilled lightsaber duelists, her primary focus is Force abilities, and she suffers from physical frailty. In such a case she has little chance of gaining any ground against a superior lightsaber duelist. She is particularly vulnerable to the strong styles of power duelists, especially when wielding the Makashi style which lacks the kinetic movement to counter such attacks. Against such opponents Traya would be forced to expend her energy absorbing attacks and attempting to maintain distance, while repeatedly running the risk of having her defenses broken down and suffering mortal injury.




Such weaknesses however can be overcome through the use of Force concealment to aid hasty retreats, or a well-timed Force push or physical kick which can be used to disengage from combat. Her defensive and economic lightsaber style also favours minimal exertion while allowing her to endure lengthy and powerful assaults, and coupled with Force drain her rate of energy expenditure will be low.




Quotes, Clips and Scans


Darth Traya, Master of Kinetic Combat


--Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide


Darth Traya is a master of lightsaber combat.


--Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide


An example of Trakata in action:



Traya easily schooling the Exile’s apprentices unarmed:



Traya arrives at Malachor, killing half a dozen assassins instantaneously with dark healing before subduing Sion:



Traya impales herself in the stomach, yet recovers soon after showing remarkable endurance and skill in Force healing:



Traya drains three Jedi High Council members completely of the Force, who are completely incapable of resisting, showing herself to be vastly more powerful than them:



Traya displays her ability in one of the most rare and powerful Force abilities ever, Force lecture:



Thoughts: Traya - while not openly powerful in the style of Malgus, Vader, Exar Kun and the like - should not be underestimated. For it is through her more esoteric and specialised abilities that she can cause a seemingly superior opponent to falter, and in such moments she can exploit their weaknesses to maximum and devastating effect.


If you’ve got any suggestions for future in-depths or any quotes, clips or scans to add feel free to post below.


And as always thoughts and opinions are welcome!

Edited by Beniboybling
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Fantastic job Beni!


I'd add Force Crush, Force Choke to abilities, and the notion that she could actually see Shatterpoints in places as well, unique ability...


But yeh, great job! This could come in very handy :jawa_evil:



I did mention Shatterpoint and made a brief mention of Force grip etc. in the telekinesis section - but I didn't go over everything - cause there is a lot to go over - so I thought I'd focus on the most important.


And yeah, feel free to use this in the BattleZone. :p

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I did mention Shatterpoint and made a brief mention of Force grip etc. in the telekinesis section - but I didn't go over everything - cause there is a lot to go over - so I thought I'd focus on the most important.


And yeah, feel free to use this in the BattleZone. :p


Right... Yeh... Battlezone.


Yeh, the shatterpoint was more the fact she can see it in Planets and Organizations as well, which is as far as I know, completely unique...


Edit: Nvm, just remembered, Combat only ;p

Edited by Selenial
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Right... Yeh... Battlezone.


Yeh, the shatterpoint was more the fact she can see it in Planets and Organizations as well, which is as far as I know, completely unique...

Ah... your intentions are more insidious than I thought. :jawa_wink:


And yes, but like I said so much stuff to mention, so I just focused on combat.


That said I might throw precognition in there... though that is partly theoretical.

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Ah... your intentions are more insidious than I thought. :jawa_wink:


And yes, but like I said so much stuff to mention, so I just focused on combat.


That said I might throw precognition in there... though that is partly theoretical.


Indeed, however with the incredible gift of Sight and Alter she has, I'd say her precognition would rival that of the greatest.... :p

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I applaud this thread, someone desperately needed to create a thread about Traya's abilities, such as this, because she is horribly under-rated by many people, whilst I don't think she is on the same level as some of the most powerful Sith Lords we know of, I do think she is far more powerful than others give her credit for. Edited by LadyKulvax
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I applaud this thread, someone desperately needed to create a thread about Traya's abilities, such as this, becuase she is horribly under-rated by many people, whilst I don't think she is on the same level as some of the most powerful Sith Lords we know of, I do think she is far more powerful than others give her credit for.
Couldn't agree more, and thanks. :p
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I applaud this thread, someone desperately needed to create a thread about Traya's abilities, such as this, because she is horribly under-rated by many people, whilst I don't think she is on the same level as some of the most powerful Sith Lords we know of, I do think she is far more powerful than others give her credit for.


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*sigh* No one ever listens to me -_-


I've been saying Force Crush for like the past 3 months, think I just whipped it out of thin air? :D

Like I said, I'd probably count that within the sphere of telekinesis.


Translation: I don't think we need a extra section just for that.


Regardless I have added crushing and I noticed I'd only mentioned gripping.


All kind there though.

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Nice to see one of my favorite characters in star wars getting this attention, allthough i always hated her guts, and had a bad feeling about her from the start while playing Kotor 2, facing her at the end wasnt realy a suprise.

sarah castleman totaly wins kreia with her masterly acting.

Its a shame what Bioware did to kreia and her legacy, if it happens to be true

that the entity baras has subjugated in corelia happens to be her ( it looks that way sadly)


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Nah, It's not Kreia, was re-reading Jedi vs Sith the other day, notice it mentioned Kreia attempting to destroy both the Jedi and Sith orders, seeing as it's an In universe piece, her motives would be known to the wider galaxy... Edited by Selenial
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Nah, It's not Kreia, was re-reading Jedi vs Sith the other day, notice it mentioned Kreia attempting to destroy both the Jedi and Sith orders, seeing as it's an In universe piece, her motives would be known to the wider galaxy...

Good, because if it is, its a hell of a way to butcher her. ( the codex meantion, a time span of centuries though)

Drew Karpyshyn said, it was meant to be her, but that they might have changed it.

Edited by Spartanik
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Good, because if it is, its a hell of a way to butcher her. ( the codex meantion, a time span of centuries though)

Drew Karpyshyn said, it was meant to be her, but that they might have changed it.


No, Karpyshyn stated he wasnt on the project, so doesn't know, but it makes sense to be her.


Even if it was her, it just means she's lying to get away from them... But still doesn't make sense for her to be a Sith Spirit...

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