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Seeker droid detections moving/dropping.


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SO I entered a seeker droid area on Makeb while doing my my dailies, and I started having trouble finding items. I would get the green direction indicator, and would move a little in that direction and start leap frog searching. After continually finding nothing, I started noticing something strange: I would never find the item, but it would look like the item itself was... moving. Sometimes just moving 5 feet towards where it indicated an item was it would suddenly give me a red "nothing found" ring.


To test this, I started dropping my seeker droid while standing still. Without moving, the directional marker would change from activation to activation, even without me moving, turning, or even adjusting the camera. Thinking I was possibly standing right on top of it, I took a few steps back and checked the area I was on to no avail, and once again stayed still while making several detection drops. Sometimes even crossing which side of a river it detected it on.

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SO I entered a seeker droid area on Makeb while doing my my dailies, and I started having trouble finding items. I would get the green direction indicator, and would move a little in that direction and start leap frog searching. After continually finding nothing, I started noticing something strange: I would never find the item, but it would look like the item itself was... moving. Sometimes just moving 5 feet towards where it indicated an item was it would suddenly give me a red "nothing found" ring.


To test this, I started dropping my seeker droid while standing still. Without moving, the directional marker would change from activation to activation, even without me moving, turning, or even adjusting the camera. Thinking I was possibly standing right on top of it, I took a few steps back and checked the area I was on to no avail, and once again stayed still while making several detection drops. Sometimes even crossing which side of a river it detected it on.


Imagine it like a patrol that keeps moving under the ground. It's constantly moving so you have to place the seeker droid where you think it will be.

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(Tl;dr below.)


After having spent many, many hours digging for gold, um, I mean, Dreadseed armor, I came to the following conclusion:


- Special treasures are hidden at one particular spot when the area is "filled up" again after it was depleted

- So are better treasures (like speeder parts or purple drop boxes)


- Hidden creatures move around


- Minor treasure randomly spawns anywhere in the area


I don't have proof to back this claim up except for my own observations. Anytime I get a green mark and notice "unclear" information, I can nowadays predict what treasure it will be: creatures or minor treasure.


I had so many occasions when the droid was red, I moved away, got a green mark and eventually the droid found something at the exact same spot where I had a red before. In 9 of 10 cases it was a monster.


So, what I do nowadays is: If I find a moving treasure or a treasure indication in an area I just dug, I ignore it. Because no good will come from it.


As for the special treasures: Why I am certain they don't move is that I have depleted many, many areas and often I ran around twice the area to find the special treasure. And it never suddenly occured at a place I dug before. In 100% of the cases I found it at the only spot I oversaw at first (Murphys's Law). Also, the special treasures often (maybe close to always) appear in the same area. Let's take Alderaan for example: The area in the Northeast has it's special treasure most of the time at the spot with the two Golden beasts standing next to each other (the place you want to be the least ;) ). And the area near the merchant circle has it's special treasure most of the time in the most upper part, near the two silver "lions". I can even say that the special treasure there has two prefered spawning spots. Usually, the treasure is always there, waiting for me. ;)


Tl;dr: Hidden creatures and minor treasures move. Special treasures and better treasures are static - in my observation (doesn't mean it's true).

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just an opinion, mind you, but the seeker droid is the worst minigame I've ever seen. I'd love to get the GSI rep for some of the armor pieces, but if BW's idea of "fun" is "stab around in the dark til you hit something", they can go f*** themselves. I've stood in ONE SPOT, incrementally changing where I drop the probe, and have had the "directional indicator" end up doing a complete 180 for where the "nearby item" is supposedly located. Something that's so badly implemented, I'm amazed that anyone bothers.
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A dev needs to respond to this. Things are not working in a "realistic" fashion and that is not fair to the players.


DEVS, explain what is going on please





I had to quit doing these quests after the last update that had me excited because they bumped up the timer on the mk2 enhancement. I spent an hour going in circles and every time I was able to track something down it was a trash mob.


Anymore the number of failed attempts far outweigh the successful ones. Not fun, not worth the in game time.

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