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Dammit! I tried Jet Charge...


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Hybrid Eh? No thanks. Numbers are all over the place with that build in my experience. So your friend got a real lucky run and posted it.


The first thing you learn in statistics is you remove the outliers - and these parses are way outside the norm. If you look at the average dps between a dps PT and the other classes, you'll see the disparity very clearly.

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Hybrid Eh? No thanks. Numbers are all over the place with that build in my experience. So your friend got a real lucky run and posted it.


The first thing you learn in statistics is you remove the outliers - and these parses are way outside the norm. If you look at the average dps between a dps PT and the other classes, you'll see the disparity very clearly.


Yeah but average players are noobs so who cares. Those are not outliers that Vg has consistently been in the top 10 on every single boss as both hybrid for some and assault/pyro for others. Why not remove the "merc outliers" then. Cant pick and choose your stats. I bet all of these parses are outliers compared to a normal fight but for top dps they are within normal range and thus cannot be excluded based on ur need for bioware to make pt more noob friendly. Sorry

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Wow. You can't make a post without a snide remark or an insult can you? Guess we're done conversing.


You are one of these people who ask for proof and then it's given and you call it invalid. Im not snyde to people who talk about useful things and offer genuine fresh solutions - but for those who qq and dont understand the class but claim to know things through their anecdotal accounts and then claim to be proficient in statistics as if you were majoring in scientific methodology. Please, classic pot calling the kettle black.


Perhaps I go overboard with sarcasm but I do not mean or try to insult anyone. Just sick and tired of people beating to death the jet charge thing for 2 years when clearly a fresh solution is needed.

Edited by Kooziejr
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All tanks have the same taunts: single target and aoe, all 30m range, all with the same cool down. "Ranged AOE taunt" is not something unique to PTs.


To the OP: I love Jet Charge too. Sadly I long ago got tired of asking that it be swapped with Grapple as the base PT skill.


PT AoE taunt has a 30m range and is target dependent, with a 15m area of effect at the impact point. It also has a travel time as it's a ranged projectile. Sins and Juggs have a 30m AoE taunt that is not target based, instead taunting everything within 30m of the sin/jugg. PT's do have a ranged AoE taunt, and it's unique to them. Single target taunts are indeed identical across all tank AC's though.


On the topic of Jet Charge, it's a quality of life change that is arguably no longer relevant with the addition of Hydraulic Overrides for all specs. For PvP, grapple and HO along with various 30m attacks are sufficient compensation for not having a baseline Jet Charge. There has been an unbalance created with the addition of the operative roll ability though (operatives can escape from combat and have ranged attacks), but I think that's a balance issue with operatives, and not a good enough reason to escalate and compensate PT's with a gap closer.

Edited by Marb
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What u need to be asking for as a pve player is something that moves u closer to the target for when u are 30m away (eg grapple now does damage similar to force leap and pulls u to tje target and drops u 8 metres away - only active on operatoon bosses) .


It would seem after all this bantering and name calling (now its mouth breather? really?), you completely agree with us regarding a gap closer... but maybe your issue is with it being the "Jet Charge" ability and adding a weird range thing. I don't care what they call it, if they make a whole new ability, or adjust grapple to do the same thing.... A gap closer would improve this dps class. Would it improve actual DPS? Alittle, but it would be a HUGE QoL improvement.


I play AP when I dps. I am good at it. I know when to use HO. I use my ranged abilities (RS "IF" it can be used, MB, etc) while doing the long run to the boss, or the new trash/add target (with HO applied because we are in combat if its not on CD). Meanwhile the rest of the ENTIRE raid is applying there debuff abilities, starting to stack there buffs for there heavy hitters (and yes, before a pull I have my 3 stack ready to go for FT :p ), and already layed a beat down on the boss or the new target, by the time I have gotten my sorry butt there. Depending on the other dps, the adds or trash may almost be dead by the time I get there. Now wet noodle with RB if the target warrants it, wait another GCD while positioning myself so that FT hits as many mobs as possible without breaking a cc, if necessary, and finally I can start up FT.


I realize all that is only a few seconds, but when you are the one doing the long run, it feels like eternity. I have a Veng. Jugg, so I am spoilt. Throw, charge, destroy, switch target, throw, charge, destroy... WAY to much fun. Its how a melee class should be executed. But my PT is my preferred toon. I just wish it had the same type of way to get into melee range. Yah, some higher DPS would be nice, but if you play it right, we are competitive already WHILE in melee range.

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I typically try to stay nice, but the level of lack of understanding some posters demonstrated in this thread is monumental. PvE heroes who think they need JC, learn positioning. You want an ez mode gap closer reroll marauder, it takes max of one GCD to be > 10 meter range with HO, which you can use ED or RS in. PvP heroes who think they need JC, L2P. Seriously, you have no clue how the class operates in PvP. Edited by Ottoattack
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I typically try to stay nice, but the level of lack of understanding some posters demonstrated in this thread is monumental. PvE heroes who think they need JC, learn positioning. You want an ez mode gap closer reroll marauder, it takes max of one GCD to be > 10 meter range with HO, which you can use ED or RS in. PvP heroes who think they need JC, L2P. Seriously, you have no clue how the class operates in PvP.


Lol my hero. Its true though man its just insane.


To the guy above his post yes I think you should get a gap closer only on op bosses for qol but it isnt necessary for viability... please READ my earlier posts....when u are 3 gcds or more from a boss (20m etc) u start to suffer. You have to understand the people who have said no to jet charge on this thread are pts who play this class lots and as their mains probs since launch and I see on the forums alot.


I know u are not a seasoned pt because no powertech would EVER use missile blast in a raid unless there was an exceptional circumstance.


There are mouth breathers in pvp too. They just make me angry in pve because they cost u so much time - hence me no longer pveing.


Railshot (if proc in ap) > explosive dart > rapid shots > missile blast. Costs 25 heat which ruins ur rotation and does a tiny bit more dmg than rapid shots.

Edited by Kooziejr
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Leaping is very, very addictive, though. I mean, I get why we can't get a leap, but once you try it, it's very hard to go back to waddling after people everywhere. And from a design point, it seems awfully silly that the development team would design a melee-ranged hybrid without taking into account that they've got a giant jet pack.


Hydraulic Overrides is pretty powerful in PvP, but in Warzones it's also a very big "please hard stun me now!" sign. As an AP Powertech, it's especially common for me to get stunned as I pop HO and go into a 3-stack Flamethrower. Probably shouldn't telegraph the buffed Flamethrower, but with the amount of knockbacks tossed around in melee range PvP, I kinda have to.

Edited by Qaoz
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And from a design point, it seems awfully silly that the development team would design a melee-ranged hybrid without taking into account that they've got a giant jet pack.


Isn't that the truth. This is exactly why I bought the jet boots as soon as it came out. At least I have some use for it, even if it has no in combat use. And even then, some chests pieces still don't use the jet pack when the boots are activated.

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