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SW quest "The plan is working!" - a couple of questions [SPOILERS]


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Hi there.


I've already posted this in the Spoilers section, but it looks a bit too barren to me so i've decided to try this place as well.


Please note that the text below may contain spoilers for those who haven't gone through the Sith Warrior storyline up to Alderaan.



I'm currently in the process of completing this quest, but struggling to decide the right way through it for my SW. So i have two questions about it and hope that the answers will help me make my mind.


1. If i understand it right, the "LS" option is to convince Uldin that you come in peace, so he walks away and you face Zylixx alone. At least that is the only option you get LS points for. But in the dialogue following the Zylixx's defeat, your only options are either to finish Zylixx off, or to try to convince him that the Jedi are weak and the Dark Side is his best bet, leaving him broken and exposed to it. So, judging by the outcome, everything said to Uldin was just a clever manipulation to make him go away. But if so, why do you get LS points for it? And why is this option considered "LS" at all?


Now about the "DS" option. You may either outright attack the Jedi or play on Zylixx's feelings, goad him, thus making the Jedi attack you. No matter what you choose, you get DS points for that. But when you defeat the Jedi (Zylixx is killed, Uldin yields), you have an option to spare Uldin and let him convey your message to Nomen Karr. You even get LS points for that. This is the only possible "good" outcome of the conflict between you and the Jedi. So again, why is this option considered "DS" in the first place?


I personally feel that something is very wrong here. The options are mixed in a very weird and illogical way.


2. This question is mostly to those who let Zylixx, broken and exposed to the Dark Side, live. Did you ever see him again in the course of the storyline? It would be cool if at some point you would encounter him fully converted and following the Sith ways.


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No idea about your second question, but your first applies to a number of decisions you can make in game.


Another mission you probably did on Korriban, for example. A Dark Lord is running experiments on those corrupted hound-like creatures (I forget what they are actually called, it's been years since I was last on Korriban). He wants you to go and retrieve the brain of a most promising speciman. His apprentice, however, wants you to bring her the brain so she can corrupt it and ruin his research.


First time I did that mission, I thought "I know, I'll help her betray her master. That's a typically Sith thing to do... ***??? LS points???"


Yup, light side points for helping the apprentice betray her master, or DS points for doing the Lord's bidding. Go figure.


I don't remember any other examples, but friends of mine have found a few where the choices make no sense.

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I posted this in the first thread you started, but went ahead and copied it over here.



I've completed 3 SW playthroughs (1 light, 1 dark, 1 semi-neutral) and I can't recall Zylixx ever making a reappearance, either in-person or as a reference. I'll check the cut-scenes I recorded to verify (I doubt he would be referenced outside of the SW storyline.)


LS Choice: I think the intent with the "LS" choice is to make both Jedi step away from battle. Zylixx clearly has some issues brewing, so he opts to press the attack rather than walk away as Uldin does. Once the SW defeats him, he/she offers the best advice that they can give (a "good" intent IMO) which is that the Jedi way is not the best path for Zylixx. The Dark Side is much more suited for his disposition and he can free himself from the shackles of the stifling Jedi code. I feel like it's a relatively "Light Side" thing to do in that my SW never viewed the Dark Side as an evil entity in and of itself. It's fueled by powerful emotions rather than evil thoughts or actions, so helping Zylixx understand that is actually encouraging him to accept who he truly is. However, I can't remember what Uldin does after he leaves. Does he relay your message to Nomen Karr/Jaesa? I want to say that Nomen mentions receiving news from Uldin in your next interaction (similar to the "LS" option at the end of the initial "DS" choice.) But without having access to the videos at the moment, I can't double-check. *shrugs*


DS Choice: Even though I tend to play "good" characters, I've really come to enjoy the manipulation that Sith employ. In this choice, you goad Zylixx with the intention of getting him to and attack you (and violate his Jedi teachings). Essentially, manipulating him into abandoning his beliefs as opposed to convincing him that they're wrong (an "evil" intent). I think the difference here from the "LS" option is that your intent was to manipulate/destroy (DS) rather than rationalize/free (LS).


Anyone else have thoughts?


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So I checked my videos and I couldn't find an instance of Zylixx ever being mentioned again (at least in the SW storyline.) Also, when Uldin is defeated/sent away or if he opts not to fight/walks away, there is no mention of it when you meet up with Noman immediately following. Karr essentially just says that since you're there with him, his associates must have failed.



So, it doesn't really matter what you do with the two of them. Better to kill them all and let the Force sort them out. :D

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No idea about your second question, but your first applies to a number of decisions you can make in game.


Another mission you probably did on Korriban, for example. A Dark Lord is running experiments on those corrupted hound-like creatures (I forget what they are actually called, it's been years since I was last on Korriban). He wants you to go and retrieve the brain of a most promising speciman. His apprentice, however, wants you to bring her the brain so she can corrupt it and ruin his research.


First time I did that mission, I thought "I know, I'll help her betray her master. That's a typically Sith thing to do... ***??? LS points???"


Yup, light side points for helping the apprentice betray her master, or DS points for doing the Lord's bidding. Go figure.


I don't remember any other examples, but friends of mine have found a few where the choices make no sense.


I think it's because the research would have been very important, and given better understanding of the Dark Side or something, down the track... so the Light Side in the future retroactively bestows point on you?

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I always felt you got LS points for that starting mission because her Master is clearly warped and she doesn't want to be with him, but the only way she can free herself is to make his experiment bomb. It's not LS for future work, but LS because you are helping somebody who is enslaved to an insane freak get free.


The DS comes from helping him and furthering his insane plans, while forcing his apprentice who he clearly torments and tortures stay locked into his service.

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So I checked my videos and I couldn't find an instance of Zylixx ever being mentioned again (at least in the SW storyline.) Also, when Uldin is defeated/sent away or if he opts not to fight/walks away, there is no mention of it when you meet up with Noman immediately following. Karr essentially just says that since you're there with him, his associates must have failed.



So, it doesn't really matter what you do with the two of them. Better to kill them all and let the Force sort them out. :D


Thanks, i'll do whatever i want with them then :p


As for the Korriban example - yeah, it's a bit confusing.

As for me, i've decided for myself that you get DS points for helping with a really important DS research, that would benefit both the Sith and the Empire greatly, and LS points for thwarting it.

However, it could have easily been vice versa - you could get DS points for doing a really sithy thing, letting the apprentice to sabotage and break free from her master, and LS points for staying true to your original task and not betraying your original questgiver. But Bioware decided to do it other way around...

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