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PvP Marks


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I stopped marking more than one target in arena because many DPS were confused by the choice of 2 targets and we would lose due to not focusing fire...


I also found the reticle is basically invisible in the desert arena as is star.


I usually use saber for the healer.


What marks do you guys use and in what order?

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Fire is the worst mark for me to see because in a sea of red, looking for a red mark is a waste of time. I've also been told it's the hardest for those who are red/green colorblind to see. I usually use the yellow star and orange blaster as my marks (that way my guildies know I was the one who marked them) but in arenas I will put the blue shield on the first focus target.
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Fire is the worst mark for me to see because in a sea of red, looking for a red mark is a waste of time. I've also been told it's the hardest for those who are red/green colorblind to see. I usually use the yellow star and orange blaster as my marks (that way my guildies know I was the one who marked them) but in arenas I will put the blue shield on the first focus target.


Rosy marks herself :)


I usually use saber, then shield, then target. If I need a 4th marker I have to start slapping my teammates

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Fire is the worst mark for me to see because in a sea of red, looking for a red mark is a waste of time. I've also been told it's the hardest for those who are red/green colorblind to see. I usually use the yellow star and orange blaster as my marks (that way my guildies know I was the one who marked them) but in arenas I will put the blue shield on the first focus target.


Fire is the worst for me too, for the same reason. Too much red on the screen. I usually do the target and gear on ops/scoundrels, the star and lightning for sorcs/sages... after that I cry. I also have never been able to get used to playing with class symbols on... it got too confusing in chaotic matches. :(


Most times with a pug, the marks will go unnoticed but I still do it on the off chance some one on the team knows what's up... and also for myself to pay attention to that person and try to interrupt/cc.

Edited by SimplyKupo
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I usually do the target and gear on ops/scoundrels, the star and lightning for sorcs/sages... after that I cry.


ikr? Times like that makes the "leave warzone" button so very tempting... but comms are comms I guess.


Rosy marks herself :)


Hahaha not a chance! I want to blend into the scenery, although running laps in circles around my teammates doesn't accomplish that either. I guess I hope there are enough explosions, grenades, bombs, and fireballs being tossed around that no one will pay attention to me. :o

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Hahaha not a chance! I want to blend into the scenery, although running laps in circles around my teammates doesn't accomplish that either. I guess I hope there are enough explosions, grenades, bombs, and fireballs being tossed around that no one will pay attention to me. :o


With how much space your fatness takes up on the screen, how could anyone not notice you?

Edited by ZooMzy
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Fire is the worst mark for me to see because in a sea of red, looking for a red mark is a waste of time. I've also been told it's the hardest for those who are red/green colorblind to see. I usually use the yellow star and orange blaster as my marks (that way my guildies know I was the one who marked them) but in arenas I will put the blue shield on the first focus target.


In arenas I usually actually put the blue mark on myself if it becomes necessary to tell the DPS not to LOS my heals because the other team is going for a chain stun on me while trying to lure or KB the DPS away. I've won more than one arena in the last two rounds simply because DPS actually listened to that.


The blue mark can be confusing because it also makes a good "defend this friendly" mark--of course when I use it I indicate specifically what it's for.

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