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Saboteur for end game PvE?


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Hey everyone, I've been rolling Sharpshooter for a while now but honestly have found it getting a bit dry during end game PvE. I've always enjoyed how the Saboteur played but I've heard its not really useful in end game content. I would just switch and try but I don't want to end up being an inconvenience to a group if I go in to an Op under gunned. Just wondering if anyone as any tips? or should I stay away from Sab all together for now?
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Hey everyone, I've been rolling Sharpshooter for a while now but honestly have found it getting a bit dry during end game PvE. I've always enjoyed how the Saboteur played but I've heard its not really useful in end game content. I would just switch and try but I don't want to end up being an inconvenience to a group if I go in to an Op under gunned. Just wondering if anyone as any tips? or should I stay away from Sab all together for now?


Saboteur is more than competitive for endgame, it will parse lower than dirty fighting or sharpshooter, but it will get the job done.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Saboteur is more than competitive for endgame, it will parse lower than dirty fighting or sharpshooter, but it will get the job done.


Sab is a more than viable spec, it's great AOE damage and good Burst Damage, I will say that you should have 30% Tech Crit with Sab because it get's 30% Surge on all AOE damage attacks, so Thermal Grenade, XS Freighter Flyby, Sweeping Blasters, and Incind Grenade. And it get's 15% Damage on most of it's abilities in it's rotation.

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Sab offers the top dps of any class in game ... it is also the most situational and hard to pull off perfectly. It balances out overall though and is very good in both pve and pvp.


Personally I think too many players go from sharpshooter to sab with the mindset that their roll is defensive. When you play Sab your roll is offensive and you MUST think of it that way or you lose out of serious dps.

Edited by Tamanous
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It is going to put out high DPS on bosses with a large hit circle. If the boss is humanoid though or moves out of your AoE, your DPS is going to go down a lot. In DF and DP the only large bosses are... Grob'thok and Nefra. Because of the nature of those boss fights it's just a big hassle trying to roll around (Nefra cleave/adds), Grob'thok being kited around room/rolling into a magnet, etc etc). It is viable but the alternatives are much easier to play and puts out consistent DPS regardless of boss "size"
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Very few go full Sab in later operations as mentioned above. A hybrid Sab is the furthest most go. Typically full Sab is rarely played in pvp as well as many prefer shrap bomb. I guess I am stubborn though and still prefer full Sab. I use Incendiary Grenade for the stun and my preferred single target rotation when I can lock down someone at range and IG is still the best node guard power in the game.


Difficult operations I would likely at the very least go 11 into DF instead of IG. I could still play the Sab rotations when optimal and pick up better dps mobility with the dot spam.


Don't even get me started on arena. I despise it even though a slinger easily greatly contributes to a properly balanced team that can support them as much as the slinger assists the team. They are too lethal to be ignored and often are focus fired. A guard and taunts can easily keep the slinger alive long enough but pubs certainly won't do it most of the time so it may get frustrating.

Edited by Tamanous
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  • 3 weeks later...

Firstly, saboteur is a very very viable spec for endgame PvE as long as you put in the time to figure out what to do. If you think sharpshooter is mindnumbly boring than saboteur is the way to go.


I have to disagree with Paowee on certain aspects of the spec. In my opinion the hitcircle isn't the only thing whats important for rolling through enemies or having high DPS. Let me explain per bossfight why saboteur can be good.



If there are many adds in a bossfight ..... saboteur will perform very good

If you can wallbang a certain important add or boss .... saboteur will perform very good



- DF Nevra

Huge hitcircle


- DF Draxus

Draxus can be wallbanged if proper positioned

Fight has a lot of adds where saboteur shines

dismantlers can wel wallbanged


- DF Grob

Huge hitcircle

If adds aren't killed fast enough by the lava than your AoE on the boss will also kill them (make sure to put the lava close to the boss)


- DF Corrupter

Corrupter can be wallbanged (be carefull with his giant red circle tough)

Adds will melt away like butter with the combo flyby, inc grenade, thermal grenade spam. Make sure to have your dodge ready :p

Inc grenade + wallbang + thermal grenade in the Laserdodge phase also works wonders, cast also a flyby if possible


- DF Brontes ( I have only done this boss succesfully quite recently, my tactics arent refined yet because of it)

Clones should be wallbangable, however it might be better to let them be tanked by a 30% AoE damagereduction class.

You can reset your hightail to roll through 2 orbs if you get them right after each other

Last phase Brontes can be wallbanged, it takes precision skill to pull that off tbh


- DP Bestia

Loads and loads and loads of adds .... nuff said?

The adds or Bestia can be wallbanged


- DP Tyrans

Even this saboteur diehard switched to sharpshooter. Would love to get some tips and tricks if people thing sab is viable in there.


- DP Calphayus

Calphayus can be wallbanged

Adds in the 1st pastphase are partly wallbangable + your AoE's just rape them apart


- DP Raptus (never done yet on HM)

I assume Raptus can be wallbanged against the elevated platform


- DP the council (never done yet on HM, so take this with a grain of salt)

1st phase: In theory all except Tyrans are wallbangable. However, the chance is very high that you get the nuke Tyrans job

2nd phase: Your incendiary grenade will be able to hit both, just time it well enough. Not sure about the hitcircle from the dragon

3rd phase: same as 1st phase

4th phase: They should be close enough to get hit by Incendiary grenade, thermal grenade and flyby. Single target on the boss where the rest is DPS'ing on



The same counts for Scum and TfB NiM. Just seek out the opportunity to wallbang something and you will be fine. As an indication whats possible as saboteur when you get to play around with adds: I nearly broke the 4k DPS mark in mainly 72 gear on the Writhing Horror NiM.

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I myself find sab highly viable, not only in damage but in utility. Its AOE is arguably unparalleled and its single target is also very respwctable. My reccord for the various gunslinger specs are as follows:


Hybrid 3450

SS 3390

Dirty Fighting (wrong set bonus) 3305

Saboteur (0 scatter bombs) 3100


So by no meens is sab the best option in a single target fight that you cant use scatter bombs, but it performs well enough that its viability isnt even a question. And besides the fact, its a very fun spec :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Firstly, saboteur is a very very viable spec for endgame PvE as long as you put in the time to figure out what to do. If you think sharpshooter is mindnumbly boring than saboteur is the way to go.


I have to disagree with Paowee on certain aspects of the spec. In my opinion the hitcircle isn't the only thing whats important for rolling through enemies or having high DPS. Let me explain per bossfight why saboteur can be good.



If there are many adds in a bossfight ..... saboteur will perform very good

If you can wallbang a certain important add or boss .... saboteur will perform very good



- DF Nevra

Huge hitcircle


- DF Draxus

Draxus can be wallbanged if proper positioned

Fight has a lot of adds where saboteur shines

dismantlers can wel wallbanged


- DF Grob

Huge hitcircle

If adds aren't killed fast enough by the lava than your AoE on the boss will also kill them (make sure to put the lava close to the boss)


- DF Corrupter

Corrupter can be wallbanged (be carefull with his giant red circle tough)

Adds will melt away like butter with the combo flyby, inc grenade, thermal grenade spam. Make sure to have your dodge ready :p

Inc grenade + wallbang + thermal grenade in the Laserdodge phase also works wonders, cast also a flyby if possible


- DF Brontes ( I have only done this boss succesfully quite recently, my tactics arent refined yet because of it)

Clones should be wallbangable, however it might be better to let them be tanked by a 30% AoE damagereduction class.

You can reset your hightail to roll through 2 orbs if you get them right after each other

Last phase Brontes can be wallbanged, it takes precision skill to pull that off tbh


- DP Bestia

Loads and loads and loads of adds .... nuff said?

The adds or Bestia can be wallbanged


- DP Tyrans

Even this saboteur diehard switched to sharpshooter. Would love to get some tips and tricks if people thing sab is viable in there.


- DP Calphayus

Calphayus can be wallbanged

Adds in the 1st pastphase are partly wallbangable + your AoE's just rape them apart


- DP Raptus (never done yet on HM)

I assume Raptus can be wallbanged against the elevated platform


- DP the council (never done yet on HM, so take this with a grain of salt)

1st phase: In theory all except Tyrans are wallbangable. However, the chance is very high that you get the nuke Tyrans job

2nd phase: Your incendiary grenade will be able to hit both, just time it well enough. Not sure about the hitcircle from the dragon

3rd phase: same as 1st phase

4th phase: They should be close enough to get hit by Incendiary grenade, thermal grenade and flyby. Single target on the boss where the rest is DPS'ing on



The same counts for Scum and TfB NiM. Just seek out the opportunity to wallbang something and you will be fine. As an indication whats possible as saboteur when you get to play around with adds: I nearly broke the 4k DPS mark in mainly 72 gear on the Writhing Horror NiM.


I agree with Macewindy here.


Sab works especially great for Corruptor Zero if your raid LOS' and stacks the adds. Same for Grob'thok. But one thing i want to add is the new boss,


:rak_05:The Eyeless.


The amount of adds and the size of the boss in that fight is STAGGERING. In 16-man there are so many adds it is Saboteur heaven. I did encounter some problems for this fight as Sab though


1) FPS - So many adds, Flyby animations and green puddles. If your PC can handle it then that's one less problem for you :)


2) The green puddles (Phlegm ability) - Depending on how your raid positions, the green puddles can be a big deterrent to using Roll on cooldown.


3) (Crush ability) - this is from my experience a kill-mechanic. I haven't tried testing/timing Covered Escape just as he hits the ground so i can't tell for sure. But then that's not really productive since you want to use Covered Escape to roll through the entire length of the boss, not as an escape ability.


4) (Cleave) - this boss cleaves. Hard. So if you ever find yourself rolling anywhere near this frontal cone, then you can get 1 shotted. I believe i got hit for 30k after rolling and landing in his 2 ocklock position. :( I would normally go to his 3 o'clock so i can land safely on his 9 o'clock but puddles (and mostly FPS...) are a big hindrance.


5) (Adds running around) - ideally you want everyone stacked on the healer so the adds go to them. When I first attempted it the 16-man raid was split into 2 so the adds were separated. That's easy to fix though so the next time you do it just have the adds clumped up in one spot and drop your AoEs or roll there for a big burst of AoE damage.


Overall I hope there were more large size bosses, it definitely opens up Engineering as one of the optimal specs for those fights.

Edited by paowee
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  • 3 weeks later...

I was running full SS before 2.6, but have since swapped over to sab. I have to say that I love it to death for most instances. Some boss fights though it isn't ideal for (IE TFB where if you were to hightail it you would fall to your doom lol). So for single target boss fights that aren't ideal for rolling all over the place, I would suggest swapping back to SS or go Hybrid.


All in all though sab is some excellent DPS and super fun to play with :D

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Try it out for Grob'thok and Corruptor Zero. It works great for those bosses! It's harder to pull off in Palace than it is in Fortress. You can even run Sab for Draxus for top DPS if you can manage to convince your raid leader to tank the mobs/boss beside a wall.
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