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Offhand Damage petition


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This is a request for all Sentinels (and Marauders) to submit a bug ticket, stating that your offhand weapon damage is not scaling with levels/weapons/+power. While my main hand damage is going up with each level, off hand is not.


The more people that file tickets about this, the sooner they will know they have a problem.



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OH doesnt work like it does in other MMOs


damage for your OH is based purely on the OH ratio (30-66% depending on talents) and the main hand BASE damage, not current listed damage, BASE damage, and its working fine as far as i can tell


as the above poster said, its basically a stat stick


because if marauders got 2 full dps weapons, and juggernauts only got 1, marauders would massacre juggs in damage, so the OH is essentially a stat stick to keep dps on even ground


otherwise it involves different weapon types, or OH specific low damage weapons, or single saber only buffed up weapons, etc


imo, this is a far more elegant solution

Edited by CrazyAl
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because if marauders got 2 full dps weapons, and juggernauts only got 1, marauders would massacre juggs in damage, so the OH is essentially a stat stick to keep dps on even ground


Isn't that kind of the point? I would hope a Marauder would excel at DPS over a Juggernaut considering it's our only available option.


If you ask me, a DPS specced Jugg should not be on even ground as far as straight damage goes, but should have more survivability and control abilities, along with decent damage. I'm not saying that's how it is for a rage-specced Jugg, since I honestly don't know, just saying BioWare shouldn't be worried about keeping Juggs even on damage or there's little point to rolling Marauder.

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Isn't that kind of the point? I would hope a Marauder would excel at DPS over a Juggernaut considering it's our only available option.


If you ask me, a DPS specced Jugg should not be on even ground as far as straight damage goes, but should have more survivability and control abilities, along with decent damage. I'm not saying that's how it is for a rage-specced Jugg, since I honestly don't know, just saying BioWare shouldn't be worried about keeping Juggs even on damage or there's little point to rolling Marauder.


They aren't. Juggs are slightly behind Marauders...and that's where they should be. Marauders shouldn't do 50%... or even 20% more dps more than Juggs because what's the point of ever having a dps spec'd Jugg in a Raid?


I play a Marauder and I don't like it when any class can do 20%+ more dps than other classes spec'd dps... that's not balanced.


And please don't say, "Well Juggs can tank too". Sure, they can tank, and they can respec to tank, but we can spec 3 different ways to dps, they can't.

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