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What do you vote fore?


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In a rated solo arena, when it's time to vote MVP, what do you look for in a player to vote on?


Personally, I'm looking at healers first (if there is one). If the healer did what I feel is significant healing, they get my vote. Next the tank, and DPS last. But occasionally, If i get a teammate who communicates a well conceived plan and is able to execute it (and convince me and our team to) it automatically jumps to the top of the list.

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A tank who knows what they are doing is my first vote. It is the hardest job in an arena.






I have only voted for 2 tanks on this server

I find healing a LOT more difficult. you could be an effective tank just by staying in range of your guard (not great, but effective). effective healers need to get cast heals off while being focused/interrupted by 2-3 different enemies at all times. being a great tank might be more difficult than a great healer. iunno. but being effective? definitely easier as a tank of any random class vs. a healer of any random class.

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I always vote for the Healer, as long as they did a good job. If not i vote for either the person that came in at the end of the round and didn't have a chance to earn any medals. If neither situation exists, I vote for the person who did their job the best and was helpful to the team.
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I find healing a LOT more difficult. you could be an effective tank just by staying in range of your guard (not great, but effective). effective healers need to get cast heals off while being focused/interrupted by 2-3 different enemies at all times. being a great tank might be more difficult than a great healer. iunno. but being effective? definitely easier as a tank of any random class vs. a healer of any random class.


Being an effective tank in arenas takes more that just staying in effective range.


I don't give my vote out just on the basis of role but rather how meaningful the player's impact was in the match.. It all depends on the dynamics of the match i was in.

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For me it usually goes to the healer. On those rare occasions where it is a 3 dps and tank (me usually) team I just give my vote to the person that I feel gave a solid plan and followed through with it as much as they could regardless of if it worked out. I will admit that I jhave a slight prejudice about giving Smash specs my vote (am I a spec'sist :rak_02:). If you are top dps in smash spec then congrats, the spec is working as intended moreso than your "skill" with it :rolleyes:


Edit: forgot to add that usually the person that keeps a positive attiude about the match will also increase their chances of getting my vote. For example if we lose a round and someone says something like "ok so that didn't work out but it's ok we can come back. Let's try doing this strat next". The easiest way to NOT get my vote is to keep telling me/our team how bad we are

Edited by UrbanSaint
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I always vote for the Healer, as long as they did a good job. If not i vote for either the person that came in at the end of the round and didn't have a chance to earn any medals. If neither situation exists, I vote for the person who did their job the best and was helpful to the team.


we're talking rateds here. there is no "came in at end of round"

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Being an effective tank in arenas takes more that just staying in effective range.


I don't give my vote out just on the basis of role but rather how meaningful the player's impact was in the match.. It all depends on the dynamics of the match i was in.


effective...effectiveness. whatever. healing's harder. of course, it's a walk in the park when the rest of your team's dominant and you can just stand there and cast. but no. healing's definitely a lot harder in arenas. what I was saying is that as a tank, you could just spam your taunts on anyone like a tool and be in range of your guard: you'll help out. as a healer, however, you're absolutely useless if you're not healing, and you can't heal diddly if you can't get a cast off. it's a lot harder to get a cast off (of any kind, let alone the chains of them necessary to be of any use) than it is to soak up protection.


I'm not saying this as captain healers 'r' us. I've dps'd (easy), tanked (hard), and healed (Fing insane). not really sure how else to put it. and no, I don't heal with an easy mode scoundrel, but still...I've tanked with all 3 tank classes, and I have eyes. there are very few healers who can do a darn thing with either of the two cast classes. iunno. I don't think this hierarchy is even quesitonable.


edit: anyway, vote goes to who I think did the best or swung the match. can be any role. usually a healer, though, cuz in solo, you can pretty much tell the outcome based on the healers before the gates even drop. and since everybody knows everybody else...that's exactly what happens. can't overcome bad heals. you CAN over come a bad tank or dps.

Edited by foxmob
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