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Warzone Planets / PVP Planets


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Here's a crazy suggestion that has recently being running on my head.


I cant decide if call this idea "PVP Planet", "Warzone Planet" or "Faction Battles" but its about the possibility to add an entire planet designed for Faction vs Faction and PVP action.

Since its meant to be a massive scale warzone I was thinking on a planet where the Republic and the Empire are actually fighting for its control. We have heard like a thousand times during conversations, quests and some other places about Republic and Empire battles on planet ("Planet name here") where the ("Faction name here") is getting owned by the other, so a planet where an actual battle between factions is taking place could help players to get lots of actual front line PVP action against players on the other faction with the opportunity to get some new commendations, reputation or any other way to get titles, new gear and cool stuff.


I was thinking it could work as an actual competence for the control of the planet, like a massive Daily Warzone, with the following features:


A Command Center for each faction:

Where you arrive with your ship and where you can get supplies and stuff, with the main medical bay and all the other basic needings for the game, maybe with a GTN station too.


Capturable little towns, medical centers, bunkers and other outposts:

To capture them a faccion must eliminate the guardian NPCs (possibly guarded by champion NPCs so players must come with a team to stand a chance aganist them) and players protecting them, then hold the possition for a minute or two, After the base is captured it gets its guardians respawned (but now from the faction that captured it) and the faction players gain access to that base properties. (Example: Capturing a medical center grants the players access to it's vendor and in case of dying they are able to respawn there instead of respawning at the Command Center which is possibly too far away, Capturing a town may grant access to its vendors and maybe also some taxi pads and quick travel points, capturing an outpost may help to protect the entrances to areas where a faction has already captured other bases or maybe for a place where players can regroup for launching attacks to near enemy bases).


Customizable Defenses:

This just an extra possibility, once a base is captured. There are areas where players may build some other defenses to that base in order to make it more difficult to be captured by the other faction, the defenses they can build depend on the player's crafting Skill which must be at its max level (to make it fair) Example: Armormech Crafters can give the NPC's a buff that increases their endurace and defensive stats, Armstech crafters can spawn some extra troopers of Strong or Elite rank, Artifice can add some force based traps, Biochem can give the NPC's a buff that cures them periodically during the fight, Cybertech can build some turrets and Synthweaving can spawn some Jedis/Siths NPC's of Strong rank with stealth ability to ambush the attackers after they've killed the other NPC's and are waiting to capture the base (This are just examples and this is not forcefully required into this WZ Planet idea I was just thinking of it as an add that could make base captures more interesting and less monotone).


Unique Quests:

Instead of getting story line quests, have it filled with quests for eliminating other players, capturing enemy outposts, getting control of certain area of the map and maybe some special ones for placing bombs at some structures, destroying an enemy convoy that is resting somewhere, protecting some landing pads or bases from waves of enemy attacks. Possibilities are infinite.


Planet Conquest and Daily Rewards:

Every base that is captured and every quest that a player completes adds score for their faction and every 24 hours (Real time) the faction with the highest score wins the planet and every player that contributed to the faction's score that day gets a reward (possibly credits, special commendations or High reputation items [Maybe also depending on how much they contributed to their faction is the amount or value of the rewards they get])


Daily Reset:

Every 24 hours (real time) the planet and the factions' score resets and all the bases become neutral (guarded by neutral aligned NPC's like planet natives, mercenaries, thugs, creatures, etc.) so both factions can start again their battles to capture them and score for their faction.



If you liked this idea I would really appreciate if you can reply with your opinions and ideas, and also if you can share this topic so everyone can see it, comment and finally let the development team consider if it can be done and added in a future update.

Edited by Saito_Hiraga
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I think this is a great idea. I had hoped for something like this back in SWG when they implemented player cities, but even with the PvP issues that TOR has, I think it would be a lot of fun to have two or three PvP warzone worlds (different environments -- maybe a gas giant or ecumenopolis where travel between areas has to be done by shuttle and urban combat prevails, a rugged planet with travel largely restricted to main routes, and a plains- or desert-type planet with open combat and movement?) and it might relieve some of the pressure on the usual spots on contested planets like Tatooine, Alderaan, and Voss where gankers camp out.
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I've been saying this for a long time. EA owns Mythic which created DAoC (Dark Ages of Camelot).


By making the PvP Game have PvE impacts, if made PvP have a reason to exist (instead of silly endless, repeating warzones) and linked the two communities together so there was less friction between the two and they had a benefit provided to each other.


Gear was 'capped' so new gear wasn't constantly introduced and so the PVP and PVE crowd would wear the same equipment. PVPers helped PVE raids because they needed the same stuff to top out (though they could get by just fine with crafted equipment.. which meant the crafting system was actually necessary/useful to the game instead of marginalized as it has been in SWTOR.


In their rush to be like WOW they made a lot of mistakes. With a license like Star Wars, they could have leveraged the fan base and done something different but still accessible.

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