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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Basic, elite, and ultimate tank gear


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This topic has been discussed to death, but the bottom line is it's done on purpose, to encourage min/maxing via participation in end-game content.


If you could acquire best-in-slot (BiS) gear without setting foot in the toughest end-game ops, it would lessen the incentive to actually put the time in and play the game. BioWare doesn't want it to be too easy to attain BiS gear.


Comm gear (read: gear purchased with commendations) has always been poorly itemized, and not exclusively for tanks, either. All classes have stats they don't need on their comm gear for various pieces. Tanks have always gotten the worst of the comm gear itemization, because not a single piece of comm gear has the BiS mods or enhancements we need, whereas dps and heal classes can usually acquire the BiS mod from belt/bracers.

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This topic has been discussed to death, but the bottom line is it's done on purpose, to encourage min/maxing via participation in end-game content.


If you could acquire best-in-slot (BiS) gear without setting foot in the toughest end-game ops, it would lessen the incentive to actually put the time in and play the game. BioWare doesn't want it to be too easy to attain BiS gear.


Comm gear (read: gear purchased with commendations) has always been poorly itemized, and not exclusively for tanks, either. All classes have stats they don't need on their comm gear for various pieces. Tanks have always gotten the worst of the comm gear itemization, because not a single piece of comm gear has the BiS mods or enhancements we need, whereas dps and heal classes can usually acquire the BiS mod from belt/bracers.


Thank you. Believe it or not, I've asked around, and no one really knew.


Edit: Though you could add a little more DEF and remove alacrity+POW and still not have BiS gear.

Edited by Shastblu
adding more info
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Oh, I believe it. I agree with the practice, in theory, of keeping the BiS gear only attainable through end-game content, but I don't at all agree with how BW has implemented it at all.


Putting useless stats on comm gear, thereby rendering a portion of the piece useless, is a blatant slap in the face to anyone who works to build up the comms to buy the piece. It kills the sense of reward and, quite frankly, the fun of playing the game.


If they kept the right stats but altered the ratio, as they do for most of the comm gear (i.e. high-endurance, low-mitigation stats for tanks comm gear), it would still be an upgrade for most folks but not on the same level as token gear from the ops. This would fix the issue, in my opinion. Seeing alacrity or accuracy on tank gear, for example, makes me furious, as it's nothing but a middle finger to the player.

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I disagree with the practice. The whole idea of making BiS gear available in latest ops makes those ops nothing more than a desperate grindfest for a few pieces to gear. And once they drop, you have to be lucky enough to win them. Nothing of this does anything for the time played.


All it does is waste your time thus disabling players from playing other classes, factions and exploring the game world.

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I had a dream once where the comm gear was filled with the current bulwark/bastion enhancements and grade 69/72/75/78 sturdiness/immunity enhancements were put into the token gear. Edited by Marb
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This topic has been discussed to death, but the bottom line is it's done on purpose, to encourage min/maxing via participation in end-game content.


If you could acquire best-in-slot (BiS) gear without setting foot in the toughest end-game ops, it would lessen the incentive to actually put the time in and play the game. BioWare doesn't want it to be too easy to attain BiS gear.


Comm gear (read: gear purchased with commendations) has always been poorly itemized, and not exclusively for tanks, either. All classes have stats they don't need on their comm gear for various pieces. Tanks have always gotten the worst of the comm gear itemization, because not a single piece of comm gear has the BiS mods or enhancements we need, whereas dps and heal classes can usually acquire the BiS mod from belt/bracers.


There is a massive difference between BiS and what you get off a vendor, almost ridiculously so.


I don't have any issues with Ops giving the best optimized stats, or Comms gear having some sub-par stats on them, but the vendor Comms stuff is exceptionally bad.

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Oh, I believe it. I agree with the practice, in theory, of keeping the BiS gear only attainable through end-game content, but I don't at all agree with how BW has implemented it at all.


Putting useless stats on comm gear, thereby rendering a portion of the piece useless, is a blatant slap in the face to anyone who works to build up the comms to buy the piece. It kills the sense of reward and, quite frankly, the fun of playing the game.


If they kept the right stats but altered the ratio, as they do for most of the comm gear (i.e. high-endurance, low-mitigation stats for tanks comm gear), it would still be an upgrade for most folks but not on the same level as token gear from the ops. This would fix the issue, in my opinion. Seeing alacrity or accuracy on tank gear, for example, makes me furious, as it's nothing but a middle finger to the player.


Can I actually slap you in the face so you can see the difference?

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I see it as just another level of gear and play the game with that in mind. You get your Elite, Ultimate comm's to buy gear to fill in the gaps until your good or lucky enough to get the ones that drop in operations. It's plain when you go into some of these hard modes and nightmare modes that they can't be done with a whole load of players needing what drops from them on paper. So in many cases it is players with comm bought gear upgrading to the same level but in op dropped gear that can complete these ops. Or so it seems to me.
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I had a dream once where the comm gear was filled with the current bulwark/bastion enhancements and grade 69/72/75/78 sturdiness/immunity enhancements were put into the token gear.


We shared that dream :)


But if they did that lots of tanks's health will drop dramatically and their e-peens drop by a large amount :p

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What I don't get is why tanks get it worse than other classes. Ok so we get gear with crap stats like alacrity but if you're a sorc dps or healer you can pick gear with crit or power. Also for the enhancements you can switch around.


Then I look at the tanking gear and it's all shield and absorb. Only the belt and braces get mods with defense but not a single piece gets enhancements with defense and shield for example. But the dps does get power and accuracy and the healer does get power and surge etc.


For my sorc healer/dps I can use the oriconian earpiece and implants....for tanks, I better not.


So alacrity aside, it's just that tanks get worse gear options with commendations compared to other classes. And that is just odd.

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