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Progression team seeking a skilled DPS


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Unfortunatly due to unavoidable real life issues, Defiance has had to part with one of our main team DPS. Therefore Defiance is seeking a skilled DPS to join us for progression raiding. All we ask for is; Full Underworld minimum, access to Mumble, a DPS parse (2.7k - 3k) and most importantly to be a team player. We currently raid 3 nights a week, which is Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. 7/8pm - 00:00/1:30am GMT. We also raid both Empire and Republic sides by 'mirroring' our classes and using legacy gear, doing so we double up our raids, loot, progression etc. if this interests you at all feel free to contact Falere, Propheci, Selgin or Shadowsijn Empire side or Jenosa, Straza, Ginsel or Scapin Republic side in game.


Thank you for your time!

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