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new to mara pvp got couple questions


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hey guys am new to mara so i got some questions


1- are these good pvp builds ?

Carnage / Rage


2- for Carnage i only wanna use force scream/blade storm when it procs or i should use it when ever its off CD ? how much accuracy do i need for Carnage ?


3- Rupture i only wanna use these with stealth classes so i can pop them out of stealth when they trys to ? or do i have to use for both specs on all targets as part of the rotation


4- any tips on when or how to use Obfuscate should i use it at the start of the fight to let their burst miss ? should i use it on range classes ?


5- Crippling slash do i really need to use it ? i mean i got dual saber throw and its free


6- Force camouflage any good tips ?


7- mara got 3 types of def cd's:

a- Cloak of pain : i dont understand when i should use it, some people says they use it at the start cuz it can deal dmg to the target increasing their dmg output, is that what i should do ?

b- saber ward : guess use this when am getting low in health

c- undying rage : only use it when am under 20%- 10% health

Edited by alkhattabi
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hey guys am new to mara so i got some questions


1- are these good pvp builds ?

Carnage / Rage


I don't roll with rage so I'll avoid commenting on that but my base carnage talents for pvp are 5/36/0 +5 I fill in the last 5 in carnage tree as well; 2 in frenzied sabers, 2 in enraged assault and one in cloak of carnage.


2- for Carnage i only wanna use force scream/blade storm when it procs or i should use it when ever its off CD ? how much accuracy do i need for Carnage ?


Only when you get the execute proc. Keep in mind that massacre is a guaranteed ataru proc, so you can kinda set it up when you see you have 4-6 seconds left until scream is off CD (barring really bad RNG).


I don't use any accuracy in gear. Taking the three points in accuracy in the carnage tree plus the +3 from Ataru form gives us 96/106 accuracy without any on gear. I find that's enough in pvp.


3- Rupture i only wanna use these with stealth classes so i can pop them out of stealth when they trys to ? or do i have to use for both specs on all targets as part of the rotation


Yes, for rage and carnage this shouldn't be part of a pvp rotation. It's a central ability for an Annihilation build otherwise yeah I just use it on stealth classes.


4- any tips on when or how to use Obfuscate should i use it at the start of the fight to let their burst miss ? should i use it on range classes ?


Yes and yes. Also feel free to hook up your teammates with it. A good example is the Sentinel that just leaped/precision slash/started masterstrike on your healer. Hit him with that and "lol" as his last two ticks miss.


I mostly target Sents, GS and 'middle tree stanced' sins/shadows. Some specs are less affected by it (the one's that are force/tech heavy). DON'T EVER bother using it on any Sorc or Sage, all of their attacks are force attacks. Commado/merc I don't believe are all that great to use it on either, but seeing how that's one class I've never rolled I'm not as familiar with them so I'm not as sure there.


5- Crippling slash do i really need to use it ? i mean i got dual saber throw and its free


Yes keep it bound and available. It's situational but is handy when healers are trying to kite you or for using on huttball carriers. It also lasts 12 seconds instead of 6 from TST.


6- Force camouflage any good tips ?


So many uses. I use it mostly for when I get surrounded and need to quickly get out of there and back to my own lines. Other uses is when you're trying to get to that slinger but he stopped you in your tracks with a root and is going to open up his rotation on you (also a good spot to use either obfuscate or saber ward). Other times I've used it simply to sneak up the last few meters of a VS door for a plant or for sneaking up in VS to stop a plant coming out of spawn with defenders ready to CC.


7- mara got 3 types of def cd's:

a- Cloak of pain : i dont understand when i should use it, some people says they use it at the start cuz it can deal dmg to the target increasing their dmg output, is that what i should do ?

b- saber ward : guess use this when am getting low in health

c- undying rage : only use it when am under 20%- 10% health


Yes to undying rage.


Saber ward you should use before you're in 'oh crap' mode and CoP I use the moment I get hit by someone. It's best to use that one earliest because everytime you take damage it refreshes the length of it's duration up to 30 seconds max. The damage it deals is negligible, just extra icing on the cake.


I would also bind at least 4 target markers for tagging healers.


One last thing, bloodthirst. Something I don't see many marauders use at all. Unless it's huttball or ACW (which I always pop prediction at the start. Two for huttball, one with the free rez stack and one from the insta 30 stack) I use bloodthirst to start off with. I find the extra 15% teamwide healing and damage more valuable on the whole than a speed boost. VS I pop it right as the doors open on defense (accounting for us splitting up) but on VS offense, NC or AHG I'll wait till the last possible second before anyone engages to pop it, trying to maximize the up time.


Now throw on

while hunting those healers wearing skirts! :D Edited by Ridickilis
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  • 2 weeks later...
Could someone post the carnage marauder burst rotation here and what to use while burst is on cd ... would like to link this thread to my friend who just started playing carnage at 55.


I wouldn't really call it a rotation, since it's highly situational. But I try to cover it as much as i can


-Gore+Ravage+FS //the most basic burst you can get off. but ravage+ataru stance is the most possible combo that results in you getting stunned


without slaughter proc and berserk:

-Gore+FS+2xMassacre //requires 7 rage to execute

-Gore+FS+Massacre+DST// if you don't have 7 rage or target moved out of 4 meters (still requires 5 rage)


with slaughter, without berserk:

-Gore+VT+Massacre+FS //requires 4 rage

-Gore+VT+DST+FS //requires 2 rage


without slaughter, with berserk:

-Gore+FS+3xMassacre // requires 9 rage

-Gore+FS+2xMassacre+DST // requires 7 rage

-Gore+Ravage+FS+Massacre // requires 5 rage, definitely use this if you have Ravage off cd.


with slaughter and berserk:

-Gore+VT+2xMassacre+FS // requires 6 rage

-Gore+VT+Massacre+DST+FS // requires 4 rage

-Gore+Ravage+VT+FS // requires 2 rage, use this if Ravage is off cd.


As you can see, your burst changes a lot depending how much rage you have, what is off cd, and what procs you have. Also if you noticed that every slaughter proc rotation ends with FS, while every non-slaughter proc starts with it. It's becuase in a indeal world, where you never get stunned rooted or pushed back you want to do 2 gore window in quick succession which means if you use the normal gore and start with FS, you will have it up again for the end of the 2nd procced gore. Obviously if you have a procced gore and FS is already off cd because all the cc fying around you can use it first.


As for filler it's a thousand times easier than burst rotation:

-Battering assault

-Massacre+assault // spam this until you have execute proc to start the gore

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It's mostly for pve and you need to translate it from Sentinel to Marauder, but I found KBN's Combat guide quite helpful when getting back into the swing after 2.0/the new talents.


The core of the rotation centers around the following observation:


Blade Storm has a 9 second CD. Precision Slash lasts for 4.5 seconds. The CD on Precision Slash is 16 seconds. The internal cooldown on Hand of Justice is 20 seconds.


It may not be obvious, but this series of alignments means that you can always take advantage of *both* Precision Slash windows, and in each use a fully proc'd Blade Storm. You use Blade Storm at the very start of the first Precision Slash window, and again at the very end of the second one. You should get the Hand of Justice proc *during* the first window. Insert a single Focus-building GCD between the windows (also ensures that BS isn't on CD at the end of the second PS window), and then open the second window.


In practice, you will often see something like the following (depends a lot on procs; more on this in a bit!):


[PS + BS > BR > TST] > Strike > [PS + Disp > BR > BS]


The bracketed abilities are happening within the Precision Slash windows. As long as you *never* use Blade Storm outside of a Precision Slash window, and as long as your procs aren't being stubborn (more on this later), you should be able to hit this combo every single time.


Precision slash = Gore

Blade Rush = massacre

Blade Storm = Force scream

Hand Of Justice = Slaughter

Edited by Ridickilis
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