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new to sent pvp got couple questions


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hey guys am new to sent so i got some questions


1- are these good pvp builds ?

Combat / Focus


2- for Combat i only wanna useblade storm when it procs or i should use it when ever its off CD ? how much accuracy do i need for Combat ?


3- Cauterize i only wanna use these with stealth classes so i can pop them out of stealth when they trys to ? or do i have to use for both specs on all targets as part of the rotation


4- any tips on when or how to usePacify should i use it at the start of the fight to let their burst miss ? should i use it on range classes ?


5- leg slash do i really need to use it ? i mean i got dual saber throw and its free


6- Force camouflage any good tips ?


7- sent got 3 types of def cd's:

a- Rebuke : i dont understand when i should use it, some people says they use it at the start cuz it can deal dmg to the target increasing their dmg output, is that what i should do ?

b- saber ward : guess use this when am getting low in health

c- guarded by the force : only use it when am under 20%- 10% health

Edited by alkhattabi
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hey guys am new to sent so i got some questions

I'll give this a shot, even though I'm relatively new to the Sentinel myself. Feel free to correct my errors, anyone.


1- are these good pvp builds ?

Combat / Focus

Can't speak for Focus, but your Combat build looks good. The ONLY thing I would do differently is take that point out of Stagger and put it in Steadfast. As Combat, you already have a lot of ways to slow/root your target and the bonus to Accuracy will make gearing much easier later on.


2- for Combat i only wanna useblade storm when it procs or i should use it when ever its off CD ? how much accuracy do i need for Combat ?

Generally Blade Storm is wasted without the proc. The proc boosts it's damage by 10%, makes it an auto-crit, and refunds 1 Focus. In PvP, however, you might want to throw it off anyway if your opponent is almost dead and you're rooted within range. Also, if you're trying to prevent a node cap and you can't close to melee. But for purposes of tearing down your opponent's health, you DEFINITELY want the proc coupled with a Precision Slash buff (for the 100% armor penetration).


3- Cauterize i only wanna use these with stealth classes so i can pop them out of stealth when they trys to ? or do i have to use for both specs on all targets as part of the rotation

This one I don't know. I'll leave it for one of the other forum members.


4- any tips on when or how to usePacify should i use it at the start of the fight to let their burst miss ? should i use it on range classes ?

Yes and yes. If you can predict a big opener, finisher, or burst window and you're within range - USE IT.


5- leg slash do i really need to use it ? i mean i got dual saber throw and its free

Again, can't speak for Focus, but as Combat you have several ways to lock your target down. Leg Slash coupled with the roots from Master Strike and Crippling Throw give you AMAZING uptime on your target. As a melee class in PvP, staying on target will be the single most effective skill you can develop. Use it liberally.


6- Force camouflage any good tips ?

As Combat you have a root/snare break. Whether you use this ability as an escape or a way to close with a ranged opponent, its utility is amazing. Against Snipers and Gunslingers I'll use it in conjunction with my CC breaker to negate their ranged root and knockback root and just go to town on their ***.


7- sent got 3 types of def cd's:

a- Rebuke : i dont understand when i should use it, some people says they use it at the start cuz it can deal dmg to the target increasing their dmg output, is that what i should do ?

b- saber ward : guess use this when am getting low in health

c- guarded by the force : only use it when am under 20%- 10% health

Rebuke: I'd use it early, since damage refreshes the duration, and you can get a full 30 seconds of damage reduction/reflection out of it.


Saber Ward: My main is a Vigilance Guardian, so Saber Ward works a bit differently for our class. I can't really advise you on this one, and would be glad to see what the more experienced Sentinels have to offer.


Guarded by the Force: I always use this as an "Oh $*" button when I'm about to die. It's got some changes coming in Patch 2.5, so not sure how that will affect its use.


Anyway, that's all I've got. Hope it helps!

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Guarded by the Force: I always use this as an "Oh $*" button when I'm about to die. It's got some changes coming in Patch 2.5, so not sure how that will affect its use.


"Changes" That's charitable.


How about crippling DEbuff? How about patently ridiculous?


Our durability is what enabled us to do the damage. This crippling debuff will catastrophically affect our ability to solo and to work well on teams if specced either Combat or Watchman.


Of course Bioware did not want to nerf Focus much--no. They decided to make the two inoffensive specs impotent while buffing pve crap.

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thx for your helpful input, force camo tip is great !


what do you think about accuracy how much do i need for pvp combat ?


The word is 100% or about. I run with considerably less and do just fine as I am a Power hog. There have been some who claim no accuracy. I only put 1 in steadfast, myself and 1 in stagger.


I saw one build that eschewed Saber Screen and as much of Steadfast as possible in favor of placing two points in Stagger. Personally, I prefer Saber Screen. The person recommending the above placement is JustBodies--and he knows what he's doing so check his stuff out I guess.


Saber Screen might not be worth it at only 6% defense and mitigation, but it FEELs like it is helping...I don't know, though.

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"Changes" That's charitable.


How about crippling DEbuff? How about patently ridiculous?


Our durability is what enabled us to do the damage. This crippling debuff will catastrophically affect our ability to solo and to work well on teams if specced either Combat or Watchman.


Of course Bioware did not want to nerf Focus much--no. They decided to make the two inoffensive specs impotent while buffing pve crap.


Sounds like you used Guarded by the Force as a crutch to compensate low skill at surviving in general in pvp. In that case, you need to l2p.

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Sounds like you used Guarded by the Force as a crutch to compensate low skill at surviving in general in pvp. In that case, you need to l2p.


umm . . like - do you make a sandwich for a pocket healer before every match?


maybe have a commando paint LOS paths?


Maybe tell the WZ during countdown the tale of "Brave Sir Robin"


really, ***. .. whatever you do, don't use your defensive cooldowns to survive, cuz that's not l33t.

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Sounds like you used Guarded by the Force as a crutch to compensate low skill at surviving in general in pvp. In that case, you need to l2p.


I play Combat. My death count is often the lowest in warzones while my kill count is often top or top three. Frequently enough, I do not return to the spawn point and with multiple solo kills. If I were playing Focus, I would not mind as much about the debuff. Fortunately for you, Rage will be largely unaffected.


Combat is not for the weak. Try to remember that.

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