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Nerf Flashbang


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If you can't catch up to a mezzed target that is with in 10m of you in 6 seconds that's your problem. If DPS Ops really need the extra 2 seconds they should be able to talent into to it waaaay up in their DPS trees. But as of now and instant, AoE mezz with a 10/30m range (the only 30m CC in the game) that is much stronger than a PBAoE mezz makes no sense.


I just can't see the justification for having Awe/IR be 6 seconds when it's range is much shorter but Flash Grenade has the advantage of range and lasts longer.

i agree compared to each other flash bang seems to be stronger than awe but you have to look at all the other tools provided by the classes to safe your *** as well.


scoundrel/ops : a partial 3sec lasting dmg immunity, battle vanish

maro/jugg/sent/guard: 1or 2 20+% dmg reduces, UDR/100% dmg reflect, friendy leap to get out of the shi-d or battle vanish on less than a1/3 as long reuse timer without any other drawbacks etc.

Edited by Tankqull
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Sure on paper its op but i think nerfing it will cause more problems than it'll solve.

Healer ops are op but its due to their healing while mobile and lack of a resource. If / when they nerf that they'll need an aoe cc - sorc and merc have aoe kb's

Theres too much cc in the game but personally i think its more roots that are the problem atm. I dont feel theres too many stuns and mezzes atm and if they want to pull back on some grenades are a better target imo. I also feel a resolve buff would be a better solution regardless.

It would be a nerf to op dps that really dont need it. Part of their problem is they suck against more than 1 enemy (they're pretty decent 1v1 really). Giving it a cast time on what is basically a melee class would be awful especially with its range, losing the aoe aspect would really hurt them against multiple enemies.

Snipers dont particularly need it i guess, still think their roots are much more of an annoyance than the mezz.


I just dont see what nerfing it will achieve really.

I guess dropping it down to a 6 sec mezz wouldn't be a big deal.

Edited by kaya
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Just out of interest what do other classes have comparable to the flashbang?


Also out of interest:


  • Which classes have a killer offensive disable like Electronet?
  • Which classes have defensive CDs comparable to Cloak of Pain? Undying Rage? Force Camo?
  • Which classes have guaranteed consistent opening burst comparable to Electric Ambush?
  • Which classes have guaranteed aoe crit comparable to Smash?
  • Which classes have an all-in-one defensive passive like Stabilized Armor?


The list goes on.


Just because there are similar skills in the game that serve similar functions, and one of them is better than others, doesn't mean it has to be nerfed.


In that case all you're doing is trying to make all spells and all ACs the same across the board. So what's the point of having unique ACs that have different strengths/weaknesses?

Edited by ParagonAX
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Also out of interest:


  • Which classes have a killer offensive disable like Electronet?
  • Which classes have defensive CDs comparable to Cloak of Pain? Undying Rage? Force Camo?
  • Which classes have opening burst comparable to Electric Ambush?
  • Which classes have aoe crit comparable to Smash?
  • Which classes have a defensive passive like Stabalized Armor?


The list goes on.


Just because there are similar skills in the game that serve similar functions, and one of them is better than others, doesn't mean it has to be nerfed.


In that case all you're doing is trying to make all spells and all ACs the same across the board. So what's the point of having unique ACs that have different strengths/weaknesses?


:ph_agree: (agree)



Edited by Osdorof
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i agree compared to each other flash bang seems to be stronger than awe but you have to look at all the other tools provided by the classes to safe your *** as well.


scoundrel/ops : a partial 3sec lasting dmg immunity, battle vanish

maro/jugg/sent/guard: 1or 2 20+% dmg reduces, UDR/100% dmg reflect, friendy leap to get out of the shi-d or battle vanish on less than a1/3 as long reuse timer without any other drawbacks etc.


I would much rather have Ops have some increased DR, another def CD or some sort of accuracy/damage debuff to help then survive than more CC. I don't want to see an already suffering spec get hurt more but there are tons of ways to help them out than to make it so no one in the area can do anything when they are around.


There is no one in their right mind that can argue this game needs anymore CC (I told a buddy last night that I spend a good portion of my time in WZ's watching my Sentinel have a seizure). DPS Ops have a few problems but lacking CC isn't one of them.


Honestly the biggest problem with CC in this game isn't resolve, it's not Flash Grenade or the old stun bubble. It's the "single" player aspect of this game. BW gave everyone and their mother a ton of CC so that people could single player their way through an MMO. They built the story mode of the game with everyone being able to stun everything in mind so everyone needed a butt load of CC. I doubt that is going to change so we in the PvP pop got stuck with every class having at least 2 methods to CC people, at least 2. Then of course the WZ objectives were designed around everyone being able to stun the crap out of each other. And 8 sec cap time is quite long when all it takes is for you to be a target of an ability (I have interrupted people with misses).

Edited by Capt_Beers
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If instant cast AoE mezz that lasts 6-8s is NOT overpowered, then single target mezz having any cast time IS underpowered.




Not sure why Sniper needs a 30m AOE instant Mez with all their other tools, when Merc has next to no CC or interrupt immunity and has a TWO SECOND CAST TIME SINGLE TARGET MEZ..... dafak

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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Not sure why Sniper needs a 30m AOE instant Mez with all their other tools, when Merc has next to no CC or interrupt immunity and has a TWO SECOND CAST TIME SINGLE TARGET MEZ..... dafak


I do not see how 6-8 secs CCs foster good game play by any means. Wither they are instant or casts. For snipers it is completely unjustified as they have too many tools and DCDs to deal with enemies at range. For operatives, healers definitely do not need more DCDs, they need their DCDs cut-down not increased. I can read why dps operatives need this, but again, instead of having more CCs, providing them with better DCDs is a much better solution. In pre-historic ages of SWTOR dps operatives had too much CCs and strong dps, thus were a very dominant class in PvP. Devs, took away the damage and left the CCs. How did that work out for the class?


I would also say the same for warrior, 6 sec aoe instant mezz is silly. I am not saying that these need to be removed, simply cut their duration by half (4 sec flash bang and 3 sec intimidating roar). Single target cast mezzs are fine as is, not saying sorc do not need some DCDs; they do, just not CC based DCDs.


Nothing is more annoying in PvP then being sitting their idle for 6-8 secs. Especially that some classes have the CDs on theses skills in 45 sec range, which is very spammable. If the class need more DCDs (dps operatives and sorc) give them more DCDs or escape mechanisms not more CCs. Of course as it stand, the setup is highly in favor of snipers, operative healers and warriors. I do not see why we do not nerf the CC capability of these classes/specs instead of including more CCs to other classes. This foster nothing but more frustrating game play.

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  • Instant Cast
  • AOE
  • Low Cooldown
  • No Penalty
  • Long Range
  • No Skill Cast Involved
  • No Debuff like Bastian for stacking grenades
  • 8 Second Duration
  • Stacks with other CC's
  • Same resolve as other CC's


DPS op needs it they re alrdy weak. Sniper's flashbang could use some nerf like range or cast time or single target

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AOE mezz from Warrior = 6sec, WHY only for agents is 8sec?


A sniper can AOE 5 people for 8sec from 35m. Very, very balanced.


Also, look at the cooldown of the 4sec stun from agent/smuggler, you can talent the stun to a 30sec COOLDOWN, the lowest in the game.

Pretty sure a sniper NEEDS a 30sec CD on stun!!!

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Not sure why Sniper needs a 30m AOE instant Mez with all their other tools, when Merc has next to no CC or interrupt immunity and has a TWO SECOND CAST TIME SINGLE TARGET MEZ..... dafak


I am not against merc buffs, however I do think that making all classes 8second cc instant cast would be a move in the opposite direction of what is wanted. The 6/8 second CC's, in my opinion should all have a cast time, no exceptions.

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I am not against merc buffs, however I do think that making all classes 8second cc instant cast would be a move in the opposite direction of what is wanted. The 6/8 second CC's, in my opinion should all have a cast time, no exceptions.


i don't think they need a cast time. they should just have different resolve values. aoe instant cc should fill the bar

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Look every class needs something to give them an advantage over the others. for example, a concealment operative is surrounded by 4 players attacking, he uses this ability and has a chance to get away.


Also a cast time for a grenade about an instant flash would look stupid, I mean really, you throw, it flashes, nothing more to it, you add a cast time and it just looks dumb and is a lot less effective tot he point that it would not be used often if at all in pvp, and you can't get rid of something just because it makes life a little harder for you.


I would be open to reducing the stun time by 2 or 3 seconds but that's as much as I will budge.


And if anyone uses the "operative healers are already too op" argument for nerfing this ability remember that operative healers are not the only members of the class who use this ability.

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