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The Cowboy Funk Show: Episode 5 "Patch 2.4 - Don't Kick the Huttball!"


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Hey hey BC'ers! The next episode of the

is live! On this episode we take arena's and get some first impressions of the maps. Overall I dig arena's. Hopefully we can get Kickball or some form of scheduled que's going. The solo que's are terrible currently.


I personally like that we are seeing some new PvP guilds popping up. Lot's of new names and new faces.


I prefer slow que pop's over cross server pvp groups. When that happens all sense of community goes out the window. I don't know if that is a selfish thought. I like knowing who I'm playing against. I like that people are starting to know me. To see that go would suck imho. It happened in WoW and suddenly we saw more and more people afk'ing in battlegrounds. More and more people would drop group early in the match. This happens now in SWTOR but you gain a reputation for doing that.


Either way I know Bioware is holding out on some big changes in game. In order to keep the game alive for as long as possible they have to have some ace's up their sleeve. We'll adapt like we always do.




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