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Having trouble with dueling


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The best way to annoy guardians in Combat I found, is to stay 5m away from them.

Run in to BladeRush/Massacre and move away, run in, tap and move away. Keep away from them.

If you stay within 4m range for the length of the fight they will get you every time.

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You should literally never lose to a smash guardian as any spec of sentinel. Wait til he chokes and pushes you before you use Master Strike or do this off the bat. Meditate before you duel for 30s of centering. Pop zen. Get the leap off the bat, battering assault (zealous strike? big rage builder), immediately fear him, move behind him then precision slash master strike then bladestorm if he doesn't have reflect up, blade rush if he does. He'll eat at least the first two ticks of Master Strike and the only way for him to maybe stop it is instantly fear you. If he didn't stop you, GG he's dead, if he did, he's going to run out for a leap. Let him go, the second you can fight back pop rebuke, cauterize then stasis. Save your pacify for his Master Strike if he uses it and Saber Ward immediately after his fear if he saved his fear for your rebuke. Camo and run for LoS when he pops Enure saber ward, don't blade storm into a reflect and this should be a super easy fight.


You want to put him on the defensive from the get-go and minimize the pressure he puts on you. You want at least one dcd up when he uses force exhaustion and stasis on you, preferably saber ward but it can be hard to predict that. Save your CC breaker for the end, if/when you get low he will probably push you so you're stunned for a second and can't hit guarded by the force. Fight should end in less than 10s (20 if both of you waited out a full fear) with a W.

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Well they do just run towards me so i cannot leap and i use saber ward or pacify to counter their sweep which helps sometimes

pacify doesnt work against sweep. Save it for master strike/ravage.

Alot of focus/rage specs main dmg is yellow - crush/exhaustion, smash/sweep , choke/stasis (alot will use this 1v1 combined with crush) and bladestorm/force scream. Pacify does not work against these abilitys.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Well any rotations you suggest?




hate that term.


Anyway, try this.


Justbodies guide. It's NOT mine. Just directing you to the guide. That thread will have its own link to his youtube guide. Watch it. It will be worth your while.


Justbodies put together a great guide for most classes (maybe all?) and specs. I am competent and he taught me a combination I never before tried. I have been incorporating that combination into my priority--not every time, but often. Pay attention to his advice on gearing too. I am starting this myself and it REALLY pays off. My burst is noticeably improved now.


Further, you have to be VERY quick with Combat. Fitting enough into the small Precision window requires deft hands and PvP acumen. It has a lot of procs that you have to be on the watch for which is part of the reason it is so challenging to play. You cannot hit all of them all at once, but you have to make decisions immediately that are appropriate to the moment.

Edited by Sappharan
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