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Character Transfer should stay free!


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Its wrong to have to use to much cartel coins to switch servers because stuff on the cartel market is expensive already and if someone messed up and started a lot character on the wrong server and didn't realized it for while and already has 12 character on the wrong server and wants to transfer all of them to the right server but pay 1800 cartel coins for each character that way to expensive so it should have a discount on how many you want to transfer or a free transfer for being a month subscriber. Edited by Tsarvong
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Its wrong to have to use cartel coins to switch servers because stuff on the cartel market is expensive already and if someone messed up and started a lot character on the wrong server and didn't realized it for while and already has 12 character on the wrong server and wants to transfer all of them to the right server but pay 1800 cartel coins for each character that way to expensive so it should be free or a lot cheaper.


You need to stop smoking dude this game needs to make money and server transfers have always been a great income for a company, on a side note they should allow 1 free transfer per month but as for transfers being free it will never happen.

Edited by elitenz
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You need to stop smoking dude this game needs to make money and server transfers have always been a great income for a company, on a side note they should allow 1 free transfer per month but as for transfers being free it will never happen.


Lol wut? The transfers don't make them even a fraction of what the bs trinkets and fluff that the market makes them. Those gambling packs have them raking in the dough, not transfers.

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First i dont smoke second im just trying to say the price is a little high and i think should be a little less or a way to get a transfer for free like what you said get 1 free character transfer each month for being a subscriber.
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A reasonable change would be to offer a discout for transfering a whole legacy... the more chars you transfer as batch, the higher the discout, but making it completely free is not reasonable at all.


I could get behind the multi-character discount idea, but making them completely free is something I would be against. It would encourage too many undesirable player behaviors imo. And we already get enough of that.

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A reasonable change would be to offer a discout for transfering a whole legacy... the more chars you transfer as batch, the higher the discout, but making it completely free is not reasonable at all.
This is something I'd like to see, too.


I mean, they could simply make a second "Legacy Transfer" option that just moved all your characters from one server to another for a flat fee, but someone with 22 characters would be paying as much as someone with 2 characters so unless you were transferring a massive number of characters, you'd be wasting money.


I think it would become a coding nightmare if it were done on a sliding scale depending on how many you were going to transfer, though.


Maybe instead they could sell "Character Transfer Token Packs" of various quantities and discount them that way.

You wouldn't technically be doing a Legacy transfer, but you'd be able to buy enough tokens to transfer that many characters one at a time.

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I could get behind the multi-character discount idea, but making them completely free is something I would be against. It would encourage too many undesirable player behaviors imo. And we already get enough of that.




Free just encourages server hopping, and that has generally not been good in Rift. It serves a purpose for them, but it really created some very transient communities and server hopping guilds looking for things gank and it's not good for overall server stability IMO.


Maybe dial down the single character price a bit and a legacy wide price would be a good addition to the CM IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Its wrong to have to use to much cartel coins to switch servers because stuff on the cartel market is expensive already and if someone messed up and started a lot character on the wrong server and didn't realized it for while and already has 12 character on the wrong server and wants to transfer all of them to the right server but pay 1800 cartel coins for each character that way to expensive so it should have a discount on how many you want to transfer or a free transfer for being a month subscriber.


Swapping servers is a task that allows errors to creep in, items disappearing is one complaint I've heard, as is achievements vanishing, the CC cost is to discourage this in all but the most extreme circumstances, meaning they don't have as many tickets about things going wrong, which in turn allows them to fix other problems.

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Swapping servers is a task that allows errors to creep in, items disappearing is one complaint I've heard, as is achievements vanishing, the CC cost is to discourage this in all but the most extreme circumstances, meaning they don't have as many tickets about things going wrong, which in turn allows them to fix other problems.


Yep. Sorry, kids. You're actually going to have to THINK about what you do when you play this game. Really, it's amazing the amount of hassles a little forethought will save you.

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I wish there was just an opition to transfer a legacy over. I kind of want to start over on a new server but I would hate lose all of the progress I made on my legacy over the course of 7 months with legacy lvl 40.
Then just transfer one character.

All your Legacy progress would copy over with it.

Edited by Rankyn
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In my opinion, the current system is pretty cheap. If you're a sub, save your monthly stipend and you can transfer for free. When I played WoW it cost me £35 to transfer 1 toon to another server. That's hard earned cash, not something I got free for playing the game. So to me, paying CC is the same as getting it for free. Even if you buy the CC it's still a lot cheaper than WoW.


Apologies for mentioning another game in here ;)

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