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mando reactive healer


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COMPLETELY redesign their healing mechanic that way their are 3 unique healing styles and may even help out in pvp. let me explain the **** of a scoundrel/opertive healer focus on heals over time mostly. The sage/sorc are more of a casting healer with a couple of HOTS. Now the merc/mando is the best single target healer but maybe if they were less single target and more of a reactive based healer for example kolto shell/trauma probe react to damage


why not base the entire merc/mando healing tree around reactive healing? for example med scan/healing scan could apply three-four charge of reactive healing, that stack up to a maximum of three or four times, yet can be used in conjunction with kolto shell/trauma probe, also using support cylinder's effect with kolto bomb/missile could consume all the reactive charges on the affected targets and heal them for their combined amount, also you could let us use kolto shell/trauma probe on more than one person but lessen the effect per person it is applied to, could be applied to a maximum of three people?

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COMPLETELY redesign their healing mechanic that way their are 3 unique healing styles and may even help out in pvp. let me explain the **** of a scoundrel/opertive healer focus on heals over time mostly. The sage/sorc are more of a casting healer with a couple of HOTS. Now the merc/mando is the best single target healer but maybe if they were less single target and more of a reactive based healer for example kolto shell/trauma probe react to damage


why not base the entire merc/mando healing tree around reactive healing? for example med scan/healing scan could apply three-four charge of reactive healing, that stack up to a maximum of three or four times, yet can be used in conjunction with kolto shell/trauma probe, also using support cylinder's effect with kolto bomb/missile could consume all the reactive charges on the affected targets and heal them for their combined amount, also you could let us use kolto shell/trauma probe on more than one person but lessen the effect per person it is applied to, could be applied to a maximum of three people?


it doesn't need a complete redesign!!! We are not that bad off, in reg warzones we shine brightest on large fights on nodes, I at the very least very often break 360k healing on these fights alone within a few minutes. While nerfs have damaged us we are still stronger than anyone thinks! I can agree with one or 2 changes but we are not so broken that we need an entire redesign!!!


PS wasn't this the exact same thread you posted in the pvp section of the forums?

Edited by Sangrar
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