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what this game needs


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hello ok i must say that im just shocked and ik i shouldve been since almoast day 1 of this game realse but come on bioware its now going on swtor secound year and i still see no comeback for this game. i have never seen a game with so much potential and just fail not bad fail but fail very bad and do really nm about it. i have been playing since early game access for this game and contuine but idk i would reccommand this for bioware to make this game turn around as u say u always want ideas or wase u can make this game better for us in ur vids.


to start i would have to say is one improve ur combat graphics there just not cutting it and there still kinda bugged and like i notice sometime that not every attack really lands just buggs rec change that too

2nd u should changed around the combat in swtor making each class and spec unique like not give every class and spec similar like for example just give the sith sorc a knockback not the assasin also ur knockbacks way to much get rid of them there is way to many u should also control ur cc balance otherwise theres no need for an immune bar

improving ur flash points making sure nothing buggs out in them or raids and may i say a little bit more tougher to play i ran nightmare mode almoast np with my premade grp on almoast everything for pve wise


now for pvp wise i rec that u bring back ranked warzones and give tittles for those for players cr why not make it were its worth to fight for tittles in swtor when i played wow back in the dayz i would kill for hero of the horde/allaince and i would push and compete for it same thing for glad for ur arenas have 3v3 or ur 4v4 and add 2v2 or hell 1v1 make it where ppl wanna compete with one another like crazy have ur swtor site have armory so we could check rating and gear


ik im making sound like copy wow but in reality u tech did for the most part everyone knows swtor is a wow copy cat so why not use that and make this stuff in ur own unique way thats wat made wow so succesful and u guys should do the same for 2014 make a huge expasion have ea do that and bam also u should make it where players can use addons or make ur own unqiu ones u guys did it with ui so hell do that make a system where u can make ur own addons would not only look good but could be a big help in game too and macros i have been dieing for u too make macros in game i would love to use in pvp that would help out alot

well i hope u can get an idea or turn some of these into reality cuz that can make a huge diffrence imo for swtor hope the idea helps too

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Whew... I guess I need to get some meds after weeding myself through that 'text'.


so here goes:

- SWTOR did not fail and it did not fail badly. It did not turn out as profitable as originally expected, but it is now running well with subscriptions and cartel market purchases. The game also does entertain, so that cannot be called a failure either.

- I agree to an extent, that knockbacks and stuns are getting a bit overhand lately. Not just in PvP, but especially on Oricon, where you sometimes spend a whole fight stunned or knocked around, while your companion is finishing the mob... Taking such skills away from mobs sounds good. Taking them away from chars sounds like a new level of balance nightmare.


Finally I simply got to say something about your style of writing.

I am far from being a grammar nazi, but did you even think a second about your potential readers? If you want to be heard, you need to voice your opinion in a way that can be understood. "u" and "ur" are not words and maybe native speaker can read that gibberish fluently, but I can assure you, that such butchered words make it a lot harder for a non-native speaker to read a text. Also a little bit of punctuation wouldn be so bad, would it?

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hello ok i must say that im just shocked and ik i shouldve been since almoast day 1 of this game realse but come on bioware its now going on swtor secound year and i still see no comeback for this game. i have never seen a game with so much potential and just fail not bad fail but fail very bad and do really nm about it. i have been playing since early game access for this game and contuine but idk i would reccommand this for bioware to make this game turn around as u say u always want ideas or wase u can make this game better for us in ur vids.


to start i would have to say is one improve ur combat graphics there just not cutting it and there still kinda bugged and like i notice sometime that not every attack really lands just buggs rec change that too

2nd u should changed around the combat in swtor making each class and spec unique like not give every class and spec similar like for example just give the sith sorc a knockback not the assasin also ur knockbacks way to much get rid of them there is way to many u should also control ur cc balance otherwise theres no need for an immune bar

improving ur flash points making sure nothing buggs out in them or raids and may i say a little bit more tougher to play i ran nightmare mode almoast np with my premade grp on almoast everything for pve wise


now for pvp wise i rec that u bring back ranked warzones and give tittles for those for players cr why not make it were its worth to fight for tittles in swtor when i played wow back in the dayz i would kill for hero of the horde/allaince and i would push and compete for it same thing for glad for ur arenas have 3v3 or ur 4v4 and add 2v2 or hell 1v1 make it where ppl wanna compete with one another like crazy have ur swtor site have armory so we could check rating and gear


ik im making sound like copy wow but in reality u tech did for the most part everyone knows swtor is a wow copy cat so why not use that and make this stuff in ur own unique way thats wat made wow so succesful and u guys should do the same for 2014 make a huge expasion have ea do that and bam also u should make it where players can use addons or make ur own unqiu ones u guys did it with ui so hell do that make a system where u can make ur own addons would not only look good but could be a big help in game too and macros i have been dieing for u too make macros in game i would love to use in pvp that would help out alot

well i hope u can get an idea or turn some of these into reality cuz that can make a huge diffrence imo for swtor hope the idea helps too




Op thinks

  1. they should have made better combat graphics.
  2. Made the combat unique to each class and advance class, and not reused bits like the knockbacks
  3. Made the Flashpoints less buggy


He thinks they should bring back ranked warzones for PVP


He thinks Swtor is a WOW clone, and we should copy them in unique ways (whatever that means) because they've been successful


/End Translation


Firstly I have no problem with the graphics.

Making each class completely unique would have trebled the time it took to make, so this game would be out in a year or two.

They try not to introduce bugged code, but to test completely before they release anything would triple the staff required and double the time it takes, making it extremely costly, and you wouldn't get as much content.


I have no problem with ranked warzones, and no problem with their lack either.


And I sincerely hope they stay as far away from WOW as possible.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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Why is there always posts bashing Bioware and SWTOR?


Its simple, SWTOR has now went free to play you cannot expect a game which has went free to play to expect loads of content all the time. To be honest Bioware has been good to us.


Its easy enough to sit here and type and bash them and criticize them for what we are given but you're not looking at the bigger picture. In December we are getting a full on expansion for free a whole new aspect of flying your ships, it might only be PVP for now but that will change I expect.


I'm not saying SWTOR is without its flaws I'm just saying If you don't like the game. Why are you playing it?

Edited by Shinodan
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- I agree to an extent, that knockbacks and stuns are getting a bit overhand lately. Not just in PvP, but especially on Oricon, where you sometimes spend a whole fight stunned or knocked around, while your companion is finishing the mob... Taking such skills away from mobs sounds good. Taking them away from chars sounds like a new level of balance nightmare.


They can easily fix the issue of stuns on Oricon.. Just make them all interruptible.. Make skills like resilience make you immune to certain stuns and not just their damage.. This would include knockbacks as well..


What they need to do is give us the means to counter the stuns.. They can do that by just making some existing skills do what they are meant to do.. :D

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I have to agree with JPryde, if you want or expect the devs to bother with reading your post it must be in proper english and not text-speak. Type out fully every single word, do not use aggressive attacking language, and take time to make the post thought out and intelligent sounding. At the very least use punctuation and get rid of all shortcuts you use when typing on a cell phone. A keyboard is in front of you so you have no excuses.
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