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2.4 PvP Sentinel Class Guide


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I'm not a big fan of people just throwing stuff on YouTube. Videos are great and do help, but I like to be able to look at one page and see all the info at once. It's much easier to use as a reference that way.


Thanks for the vid, I will eventually get around to watching it.

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Riposte is off the global cooldown( instant hit ) I use that as soon as I am able.

For Slash, if you have plenty of focus I use slash as a filler anytime overload saber, Merciless slash, and cauterize are off cooldown. Use masterstrike and executes whenever you see fit first tho.

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so do you use the same mods and enh in all pieces or do you have a different mod/enh in some pieces?

edit: for combat spec*

Speaking of Combat Spec, how are you guys dealing with being opened on by a stealth DPS? I feel really good 1v1 against most classes (even Snipers/Gunslingers), but stealthers are just giving me a fit.


Thanks again!

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I use the same gear set for combat as I do for focus. All deft 28-29x and adept 28x-29x. Works great!


1v1ing as a combat sentinel against stealth dps is challenging since they can start the fight with you at almost ~60-70% by stunlock and crits.


1v1's arent always going to be the same. You need to find a buddy and practice different things that work for you. I would open up with the rotation at 2:48-3:18 in the video A good start would be to awe them as soon as you can, back up, force leap, and then follow that rotation.


Something more important than your rotation are your defensive cooldowns and your obfuscate(accuracy reduction) You must pop REBUKE (25% dmg reduction upon being hit) like as soon as you leap and they attack you. Even maybe use an adrenal earlier rather than later to stop that opening burst dmg. Next use obfuscate on those shadows and assassin when you think they will maul. Pop saber ward after that when you need that big cooldown. Then guarded by the force with a medpac last.


That wasnt a very detailed 1v1 guide or anything but something you can start practicing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OP, since you have made guides for all three specs, and have obviously put thought into them and their rotations...


What spec is the most viable, overall...focus?


Also, are there any hybrids that are worth a flip now? I haven't played in ages, but I seem to remember a combo of watchmen up through overload saber and combat up through precision strike was viable...but that was before the changes and additions to the skill trees....and 5 more points to spend.




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