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Does Ranked Exists on this Server?


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There are que pops in 4v4 but they are not very consistent. It's really hit or miss. Most of the time is comes down to groups announcing that they are in que and someone else gets a group together. Some nights you get one or two games in before a group calls it quits, other nights you can get pops for a few hours. For a frame of reference, I think my guild's been averaging about 20 or so Ranked arenas a week.


As far as guild's that que, each faction has a few. The list below is who I have seen recently (please forgive me for any omissions).

Republic: Republic Gentlemen, Ascension, Pillars of Ashla

Imperial: Revelation, Unicorn Stampede / Unicorn Jihad, Nemesis, Chaotic Pixels


We have talked about transferring a few toons to another server to try and find more consistent 4v4 pops but it seems that it's somewhat slow everywhere.

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Last time we q'd up we spent like 4 hours going back and forth with Revelation. Great games but it would have been great to go up against other teams. It sucks that we can't q up every night.


Every time we queue up I usually try to let people on both sides know so they can make a team though last time we randomly q'd up and got pops.


Moral of the story... if everyone q's up and doesn't leave after a loss or two then the q's would pop more lol

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I'm one of the few people in my guild that PvPs at 55 anymore and I'm slowly building up my Conqueror gear (I have my Ear, Belt, Bracers, Gloves and MH left to do) before I even attempt Rated since I don't want to drag a team down. I'd be willing to join people for rated on the Republic side on my Sawbones Scoundrel once I fill out my gear.
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I take it all back. I believe I've had about 44 4v4 ranked matches since 2.4 dropped and about 30 or so if not more have all been against Revelation. We've had some great matches and some have been some crazy close fights. The last team we face before this Revelation streak was La Garde Noire. (props for atleast for being in the queue). We saw a few different teams during the first week of 2.4 but I'm not sure what happened to them.


With that said I would hope more teams would queue up more for 4v4 ranked matches. If Revelation does leave like the rumors say then 4v4 ranked scene would be pretty much dead as the only teams that queue now are us and Revelation. I'm not sure if any other team queues up, maybe a Revelation member can speak on this as they usually queue up more than we do. (Malch finish grad school already!)


As for solo ranked... they pop when Vanier convinces people that they are popping. I think it maybe time to get my PT in POT5 to 55. I love this server so please.... queue up more for solo and 4v4s!

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I think I need to move.....I really don't want to but when we have to coordinate solo queues you know things are bad.





Yeah, if it weren't for my guildies, I'd have either quit or changed servers by now. Unfortunately, I'm the PvP oddball of the bunch of PvE'ers. I suppose that's to be expected on a PvE server. I hate to be negative, but I think cross server queues are my only hope, unless something drastic happens.

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If Revelation does leave like the rumors say then 4v4 ranked scene would be pretty much dead as the only teams that queue now are us and Revelation. I'm not sure if any other team queues up, maybe a Revelation member can speak on this as they usually queue up more than we do. (Malch finish grad school already!)


As for solo ranked... they pop when Vanier convinces people that they are popping. I think it maybe time to get my PT in POT5 to 55. I love this server so please.... queue up more for solo and 4v4s!


The only guild we've seen in the past week for more than one match are you guys. I had a total of three 4v4 Ranked matches this past weekend. I asked in imppvp why noone ques and generally it came down to a few responses of "it's too hard to get a group together", "regs are more fun because of objectives", and "the other team quits after one loss". I know JC is a PVE server and all but I see plenty of good PVPers in regs that could put a strong group together.


On the move to POT5, we are only considering moving one or two toons each to field a decent comp for 4v4. The vast majority of us will still have most of our toons on JC for regs and the occasional 4v4 if anyone ever ques. I really do like JC's people a lot and I'm not excited about the prospect of dealing with the large number of immature trolls that inhabit POT5 but it seems like the only option to get regular que pops. I guess some solo pops have been going on but I personally have little to no interest in it. It's a lot more fun and rewarding for me to play with a coordinated team on TS / Vent / Mumble.


So seriously... what needs to happen to breath some life back into this server? Do we need some form of Kickball like Cinerous suggested? Would newer guilds / groups like a "free" night when some of the more established guilds don't que? A night when noone does 4v4, only solo ranked? Other ideas?


P.S. Shout out to Unicorns for what sounds like a fun event in Outlaw's Den this past weekend! Too bad I wasn't able to make it out there.

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Funny thing is....it's pretty easy to get 4 people for a group, and usually another group will form if you let people know your wanting to que up.

Last night I grabbed 3 people that I knew nothing about and played for about 6 games.

Overall fun time even though most of them were losses.

The life is still here, people just need to wake the f up and smell the roses.

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T I guess some solo pops have been going on but I personally have little to no interest in it. It's a lot more fun and rewarding for me to play with a coordinated team on TS / Vent / Mumble.


So seriously... what needs to happen to breath some life back into this server? Do we need some form of Kickball like Cinerous suggested? Would newer guilds / groups like a "free" night when some of the more established guilds don't que? A night when noone does 4v4, only solo ranked? Other ideas?

had a little bit of a giggle here. there's absolutely zero point in kickball when there's a solo q. solo queue mixes teams up every pop (as long as it's same faction, and you can't kickball across faction either). honestly, that's what I like about solo q. I don't like playing the same team 5 times. I get it. you're better. regroup. or...ok. we're better. regroup. or even worse "hey, don't beat them too bad or they'll stop Qing." I definitely prefer voice comms though.

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The only guild we've seen in the past week for more than one match are you guys. I had a total of three 4v4 Ranked matches this past weekend. I asked in imppvp why noone ques and generally it came down to a few responses of "it's too hard to get a group together", "regs are more fun because of objectives", and "the other team quits after one loss". I know JC is a PVE server and all but I see plenty of good PVPers in regs that could put a strong group together.


On the move to POT5, we are only considering moving one or two toons each to field a decent comp for 4v4. The vast majority of us will still have most of our toons on JC for regs and the occasional 4v4 if anyone ever ques. I really do like JC's people a lot and I'm not excited about the prospect of dealing with the large number of immature trolls that inhabit POT5 but it seems like the only option to get regular que pops. I guess some solo pops have been going on but I personally have little to no interest in it. It's a lot more fun and rewarding for me to play with a coordinated team on TS / Vent / Mumble.


So seriously... what needs to happen to breath some life back into this server? Do we need some form of Kickball like Cinerous suggested? Would newer guilds / groups like a "free" night when some of the more established guilds don't que? A night when noone does 4v4, only solo ranked? Other ideas?


P.S. Shout out to Unicorns for what sounds like a fun event in Outlaw's Den this past weekend! Too bad I wasn't able to make it out there.


We've had some great matches against yo guys and I hope they continue. I just wish more teams would queue once season 1 starts. I personally love coordinated team play over solo ranked. The solo ranked q's haven't been popping like they use to. POT5 is an interesting server but I have a lvl'd toon (imp side) there.but my team doesn't want to transfer. I have a high ping on the Bastion and don't wish to pay for a transfer or lvl up a toon all over again.


So my hope is that ranked pvp picks up on this server.

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I'm not excited about the prospect of dealing with the large number of immature trolls that inhabit POT5 but it seems like the only option to get regular que pops


Honestly, this is a fallacy, generated by.....disgruntled JCer's who came back, never even went, I don't know. If anything, I see just the opposite, boredom breeds trolling and petty drama which seems to dominate JC so much to the point I really don't even enjoy playing my sage, and yeah I will be taking her back to pot5.


So, the welcome mat is out and I hope to see you all come over :)

Edited by _Adisa_
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Honestly, this is a fallacy, generated by.....disgruntled JCer's who came back, never even went, I don't know. If anything, I see just the opposite, boredom breeds trolling and petty drama which seems to dominate JC so much to the point I really don't even enjoy playing my sage, and yeah I will be taking her back to pot5.


So, the welcome mat is out and I hope to see you all come over :)


I have a 53 PT there and I'm lvling a vanguard. Bioware doesn't deserve anymore money from me so I'll be transferring a toon or two to POT5 when I have enough CC.


God I hope pub pvp isn't as bad as I keep hearing.

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we've got something in the works over in Unicorn Stampede that should help get some interest in ranked, involving rewards of different types..more to follow :cool:


You know, as much US smack-talk I see about you guys, you seem to be the ones trying to hold PvP together on this server. I'm anxious to see what you have planned!

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