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How is it some are doing double Smash?


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We ran into a duo of marauders last night in ranked both doing double smash. You wouldn't ordinarily think anything of it since you die so far to a melee train in the right circumstances. However, our assassin got hit for 5 7k hits in a span of a couple seconds. He decided to take combat logs and one of the interesting things we found. He was taking double smashes from two marauders multiple times within less than a second. So two maras both smashing a total of 4 times in a second; obviously cheating. Obviously not accidental as they did it multiple times. How is this being done; it needs to stop or ranked has no credibility.
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No, can't I don't think since it is has char names in it. We put it up on torhead to parse. The guard is possible as he was running a hybrid spec. I'll have to mention that to him; not sure if he was near his guard at the time or not. Thx. Edited by skarlson
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We ran into a duo of marauders last night in ranked both doing double smash. You wouldn't ordinarily think anything of it since you die so far to a melee train in the right circumstances. However, our assassin got hit for 5 7k hits in a span of a couple seconds. He decided to take combat logs and one of the interesting things we found. He was taking double smashes from two marauders multiple times within less than a second. So two maras both smashing a total of 4 times in a second; obviously cheating. Obviously not accidental as they did it multiple times. How is this being done; it needs to stop or ranked has no credibility.


You're sure that it was actually smash, and not just, "4 hard hitting abilities within 2 GCDs"? Going to have to say that we need to see the combat log. Edit the names of the players in it if you must (it's just a text file after all), but there is only one way that what you claim happened could happen, and that is hacking. I have had Vicious Throw hit harder than smash on occasion, or just as hard, depending on RNG and if it crits. Force Scream can also hit very hard when it crits, even as rage. There have been plenty of times when I get off a 9-11k smash followed by a 9-11k Vicious Throw. Granted, it needs to be on a light armored foe with no guard, no cooldowns up, and no taunt on me, but it does happen.


I don't mean to critisize you or your friend, but these kinds of things tend to get blown out of proportion and when we lose, we try to shift blame from ourselves onto other things (that player is a hacker!), or faults in the game (stupid marauders are OP!). I would need to see the smash animation happen twice in rapid succession from both players, and also see the combat log, to really believe that they were hacking. Because what you are proposing is definitely that they are hacking.

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Outside of a Warzone, with access to your Heroic Moment, you can kinda double dip.


If you have completed a Jedi Knight story arc, you unlock a Legacy Force Sweep (the lightside version of smash). So you can hit your heroic moment, then smash, then sweep. (or sweep and sweep if you are Jedi)


I dont know if the legacy sweep counts as sweep/smash for the purposes of all the talent boosts though, Ive never tried to double dip it in that way. Its the only way I know of to get a second version of the attack.

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