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Rage (PVE) leveling build?


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Hi fellow Marauders! Does anyone have a specific build they favor for leveling Rage? I'm new to the class/game(and forum) and needed some advice. I found the following link below but wasn't sure if this was a end game build:




I'm currently at 24 leveling Annihilation and while I'm surviving fine with Quinn healing I've heard good things about Rage and thought I might give it a try. Here's the build I'm following now but I think this site hasn't been updated for awhile:




Any advice/feedback would be great! Thanks -)

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First of all, do not trust noxxic, their guides are full of factually wrong or outdated information. That being said, levelling as rage is a pretty good idea, I found the huge aoe from smash to be highly efficient in dealing with packs of mobs.


The key ability the spec revolves around is generating shockwave stacks for autocrit smashes, which will consistently hit for huge numbers. You generate those stacks through either force crush or triggering berserk, the former is a lvl45 ability so you should look to boost your fury generation in the meantime to make it work. I'd start with something like this:



Edited by Korevas
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First of all, do not trust noxxic, their guides are full of factually wrong or outdated information. That being said, levelling as rage is a pretty good idea, I found the huge aoe from smash to be highly efficient in dealing with packs of mobs.


The key ability the spec revolves around is generating shockwave stacks for autocrit smashes, which will consistently hit for huge numbers. You generate those stacks through either force crush or triggering berserk, the former is a lvl45 ability so you should look to boost your fury generation in the meantime to make it work. I'd start with something like this:




Thank you for the advice. I'm going to give this a try and see how it goes. =)

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